Kurdish refugees are on hunger strike
- world
- 13:58 15/12/2023
Kurdish refugees in Xanthi Immigrant Detention Center started a rotating hunger strike against the Imrali isolation.
Kurdish refugees in Xanthi Immigrant Detention Center started a rotating hunger strike against the Imrali isolation.
Criticizing the racist and militarist discourses against Jews based on Israeli attacks, IHD Co-Chairperson Eren Keskin said: "We have to use our language very carefully when opposing this war."
L'Humanite, published in France, carried the Turkey's use of chemical weapons against HPG members in Federated Kurdistan Region in the headline of its latest issue.
At least 5 soldiers were killed in an airstrike carried out by Israel near Damascus airport.
Stating that Turkey uses ISIS to weaken Kurds, Peace in Kurdistan Campaign Spokesperson Stephen Smellie said that the responsibility of the ISIS prisoners should not be left to the Kurds alone and they should be prosecuted in their homelands.
Stating that the chance of the US staying in Syria is lower than in Iraq, Yousif Ismael, the director of the Washington Kurdish Institute, said, “The US will do its best to stay in Iraq. If it decides to withdraw from Iraq, it will also withdraw from the Kurdistan Region”.
At least 100 people have been killed and more than 4,000 injured as a result of a huge explosion in Beirut, on Tuesday.
A prison compound in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad was attacked by fighters. Reports speak of at least 20 people killed and 42 others wounded.
The EU foreign ministers have gathered in Brussels for their first face-to-face talks since the coronavirus pandemic began. One of the topics top of the agenda is the EU relations with Turkey.
People of Bristol defending black lives matter, who witnessed the fall of the statue of the 17th century slave trader Edward Colston said, "The moment of the collapse of the statue was brilliant”, adding that the local government have kepts its ineffective position regarding the petitions demanding the removal of the statue over the years.
Sinn Féin MP Michelle Gildernew has called for the immediate release of all HDP political prisoners and an end to political repression by the Turkish state.
Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) demanded an Investigation Commission to be established for Efrîn, declaring that United Nation, Russia and international coalisition are responsible for the crimes committed in Efrîn.
Vice President of European Commission Borrell has said, “Decisions and actions taken by the Turkish authorities against municipalities with mayors from opposition parties remain of deep concern, in particular when they appear to be politically motivated.”
The UAV was shot down in Dadikh region in the southeastern countryside of the Idlib city.
Russia's Center for Reconciliation in Syria, stated that the Turkish army supports terrorists in Syria, called on Ankara to stop supporting the activities of terrorists and sending weapons to them.