621 Baloch execution in Iran in last 8 years
- women
- 11:14 06/2
According to the Baloch Activists Campaign's report, Iran has executed at least 621 Baloch people in the last 8 years.
According to the Baloch Activists Campaign's report, Iran has executed at least 621 Baloch people in the last 8 years.
Emphasising that Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom must be ensured for the solution of the Kurdish issue, TJA said, "We reiterate our call to participate in the move we have initiated for the process to evolve into freedom."
According to the report released by KCDP, 33 women were murdered by men in January. 32 women died in suspicious circumstances.
Two months have passed since HTS took control of Damascus. In this short period of time, with practices such as changing the education curriculum, disregarding the will of women and appointing names who committed war crimes to top management positions; it has put its signature under practices that harbour many dangers for women and their gains.
TJA activist Rojbin Bor pointed out that the attacks against North and East Syria are aimed to break the will for self-governance. "Let's embrace Rojava and shoulder the women's freedom struggle," she says.
Havin Aşkan, who was 1.76 metres tall, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself on a door handle. The family filed a complaint against the specialised sergeant, to whom their daughter was married, on charges of "delibrate killing".
Speaking at the commemoration organized in Dêrsim for Sakine Cansız, who was murdered in Paris together with Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, "We will continue Sakine Cansız's fight everywhere," says DBP Women's Assembly Spokeperson Berivan Bahçeci.
Stating that Sakine Cansız, who was murdered in Paris, was one of the most influential women she had ever met, "She always talked about peace and the struggle for peace. Her thoughts and struggle for women's rights and against male domination impressed me a lot," says Eren Keskin
PYD Co-Presidency Committee member Fawza Yousef stated that the solution to the Syrian crisis can be overcome with the Autonomous Administration model and called on women to fight for it together.
TJA commemorated Sakine Cansız, Fidan doğan, Leyla Şaylemez, Sêvê Demir, Fatma Uyar, Pakize Nayır, Evîn Goyi, Mir Perwer and Abdurrahman Kızıl who were murdered in January.
In the report prepared by MKG for 2024, it was stated that the most concrete violation of rights against journalists was the murder of Nazım Daştan and Cihan Bilgin, and that 8 women journalists are under arrest.
Munzur University students organized a march for Rojin Kabaiş and Gülistan Doku.
A video of Shadi al-Weysi, the "Justice minister" of the interim administration in Damascus, taking part in the execution of two women in Idlib has emerged. HTS confirmed the video.
Reacting to the "suicide" allegations about Rojin Kabaiş's death, the family drew attention to the contradictions in the file and held her roommate and dormitory authorities responsible for her death. Her aunt Özlem Kabaiş claimed that her niece was thrown into the water after she was murdered.
The 97th issue of Jin magazine was published with the cover "Our life was always a fight".