Police raids Servet Turgut's wake

  • actual
  • 12:31 1 October 2020
  • |

VAN- Delegations from DTK, HDP and DBP attended the wake of Servet Turgut who lost his life as a result of being thrown out of a helicopter. Police raided the house where people mourned him.

Democratic Society Knogresi (DTK) Co-Chair Berdan Öztürk, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz and HDP MPs visited Servet Turgut's house to pay their respects. As HDP's Hüda Kaya started her speech, police raided the house. Stating that they won't allow any speeches at the wake, police attacked the journalists and prevented them from recording the wake. 
Police threatened the people with detention if they do not end the wake. Aydeniz said: "If you had any respect for humans, you would not raid a wake. Those who respect prayers do not get in here with guns. You are disrespectful of your own religion, İslam. Police told the people to end the wake and disperse. HDP members refused.