Court sentences journalist Deniz Yücel to over 2 years prison

İSTANBUL - Turkish court sentenced journalist Deniz Yücel to two years and nine months in prison as he was acquitted from two other charges. 
İstanbul 32nd Heavy Penal court ruled the final verdict for the trial of Die Welt journalist Deniz Yücel has been accused of "terrorism propaganda" and "inciting public hatred and animosity". Trial was held in absentia as the German-Turkish journalist lives in Germany, but his lawyer Veysel Ok attended the hearing. Ok demanded the acquittal of his client from all charges. 
The court has sentenced the German-Turkish journalist Yücel to 2 years, 9 months, 22 days in prison for spreading via his articles "terrorism propaganda". He was accused of spreading propaganda for the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Lawyer Ok stated that they will appeal to the decision.
Yücel was acquitted from charges of "inciting public hatred and animosity" and of "terrorism propaganda" for FETÖ organization associated with Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of being behind the coup attempt.
Court also ruled to issue a criminal complaint to the İstanbul Chief Prosecutor's Office on behalf of Yücel for "publicly insulting the Republic of Turkey" and "insulting the president".
Yücel, who was detained at the police station where he went to testify voluntarily on February 14, 2017, was imprisoned on February 27, 2017. Yücel spent one year without being charged in Silivri Prison in Turkey. His arrest and imprisonment triggered a diplomatic crisis between Berlin and Ankara before his release on February 16, 2018 with the decision of Istanbul 32nd Heavy Penal Court and return to Germany.