15:08 actual
Mahsum Pamay from Elazığ Prison have ended his life to protest the isolation
14:44 actual
'The will of the hunger strikers are getting stronger by the day'
14:28 actual
A march will be organized in İstanbul to support the hunger strikes
13:56 actual
Families applied to visit İmralı
13:36 actual
AKP applies to have the elections in Istanbul cancelled
13:29 actual
'Freedom of Speech' Award to Journalist Zehra Doğan in London
13:24 actual
Dersim's Elected Mayor Maçoğlu Gets Mandate
13:17 actual
72 petitions to the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission on hunger strikes
13:07 actual
YSK President Güven made a statement
12:03 actual
CHP and Felicity Party candidates in Tatvan also said the election results are shady
10:53 actual
Hunger strike of Leyla Güven is on its 149th day
10:49 actual
Family of HDP Deputy Temel Tayip on hunger strike: Be the voice of those who lay their bodies to hunger
10:15 actual
5 brothers resisting in 3 different prisons
10:14 actual
3 people from one family on hunger strike: Be our voices
15:38 actual
Prison warden threatens hunger strikers
14:23 actual
ECHR denies Cizre, Sur and Silopi applications
14:20 actual
The recount is over in the 10 districts of İstanbul: İmamoğlu is ahead
13:59 actual
Certificate of Election of Maçoğlu was not given due to security reasons
13:03 actual
804th application from the attorneys of Öcalan
12:53 actual
British Human Rights Lawyer Owen: Support the hunger strikers
12:46 actual
Former Minister of Justice and Interrior Jonasson demanded freedom for Öcalan
12:39 actual
Actions against isolation all over Europe
12:27 actual
Indictment prepared for Ömer Öcalan on grounds that he did not react to the Co-chair of his party
12:27 actual
CHP Spokesperson: Count in 3 districts is over, no change in results
11:49 actual
Hunger strike of Leyla Güven is on its 148th day
11:48 actual
Hunger striker Aktaş who lacks both of his hands being kept in solitary confinement
11:15 actual
Journalist Türfent on hunger strike for 35 days: We are making news with our bodies
15:25 actual
'Thank you' poster in Muş where the votes are still being counted
14:25 actual
22 people including HDP members detained in Urfa
14:24 actual
İmamoğlu: We invite YSK to do their job
13:26 actual
AA's irregularities moved to Parliament
13:25 actual
The hunger strike of Leyla Güven is on its 147th day
13:25 actual
The delegation following the elections: We will tell Europe that the Erdogan regime is not democratic
11:37 actual
His son has been on hunger strike for 99 days: Will they watch him die?
11:36 actual
Journalist Ataman on hunger strike for 34 days: We don't accept this silence
10:51 actual
'HDP has confirmed that we can live together'
17:40 actual
Political prisoner ends his life to protest Öcalan's isolation
17:30 actual
Application of the attorneys rejected for the 803th time
15:27 actual
Prisoners' interview with their attorneys will be recorded
15:17 actual
AKP will appeal against elections in all districts of Istanbul
15:12 actual
Attorneys applied for the 803rd time to visit İmralı
15:09 actual
Margaret Owen goes on hunger strike against Öcalan's isolation
15:05 actual
The committee of the hunger striker's families are not allowed to come to Ankara
15:05 actual
Statement of 'objection' by YSK President
14:46 actual
Temel: HDP changed the next 15 years of the fate of Turkey
14:42 actual
The hunger strike of Leyla Güven is on its 146th day
14:26 actual
Italian delegation: Elections began with repression
13:35 actual
Erdoğan Aydın: HDP relieved the pressure on the people in the west
13:32 actual
Onur from CHP: The strategy of HDP worked
10:50 actual
Body of the last hunger striker sent to Ağrı