13:00 actual
BAŞKAYA: The problem will not be solved by ignoring the Kurds
12:39 actual
HDP office raided, co-chairs detained in Muş
12:17 actual
Home raid in Bağlar: Pregnant woman under custody
12:16 actual
Police raided the wrong house, threatened to kill the family!
10:17 actual
‘The brotherhood of Kaz Mountains with Hasankeyf will not be prevented’
09:20 actual
Öcalan: I am ready for a solution
09:19 actual
Letter to UK Foreign Secretary on Hasankeyf and the Ilisu Dam
17:01 actual
Alleged death threat from prison guards
16:36 actual
A person in Urfa was caught with a bomb set up
14:28 actual
Cizre Chief Prosecutor's Office could not deny that the medical staff were arrested for treatment!
13:23 actual
3 detained in Ankara
13:04 actual
Iranian soldiars killed a border merchant
12:27 ecology
Motion for new trial for gold mining in Kaz Mountains
11:52 actual
Speaking Kurdish under custody is forbidden!
11:51 actual
Turkey: 31 women murdered in July, 245 in the first 7 months
16:51 actual
ISIS member Interpol searches: I want to be prosecuted in Turkey
15:18 actual
Common call from Kurdish Parties: War and occupation doesn't deliver solution
13:29 analysis
'Safe zone' and latest situation in İdlin: Agreement or war?
11:28 actual
Journalist Güleş not being treated after the hunger strike
11:09 actual
Güven appeals to the Speaker of Bashur Parliament for Maxmur
11:09 actual
UK delegation briefing on Hasankeyf
10:55 actual
'Deaths at the borders are a state policy'
16:19 actual
US to Turkey: We will prevent unilateral operations in northern Syria
16:18 actual
73 bar association made a call to the Supreme Court for Cumhuriyet Newspaper writers
15:59 actual
Başaran: What is happening in Hasankeyf is an indicator of fascism
14:48 politics
Önlü: The stance of organized parties and organized community will yield results against attacks
13:42 actual
Person the governership defined as the perpetrator of Güvenpark explosion released
12:28 actual
Kanar: Heavy penalty courts acts as the inquisition
10:48 actual
Yoleri: International line of struggle must be established for migrants
10:31 actual
193 sick prisoners in Aegean prisons
18:42 actual
Paramedics in Cizre arrested for treating 10 year old child
17:07 actual
Syria blamed Turkey and ended the conditional ceasefire in İdlib
15:52 ecology
Thousands gathered for Kaz Mountains stops for nothing
12:31 actual
HDP's Beştaş: Isolation is a decision parallel to war
12:30 actual
Altan: crossing a country's borders 30 kilometers in is occupation
11:51 actual
Campaign by the HRA for the implementation of the ECtHR decision to all detainees
11:43 actual
Decision of deporting immigrants linked to 'security corridor'
15:47 actual
COnfidentiality order to Vedat Ekinci case
15:02 actual
HDP: The Yazidis are still threatened with genocide
13:27 actual
Yeni Yaşam newspaper censored in Siverek Prison
13:26 actual
HDP deputy Gülüm asks Justice Minister about journalist Ataman
13:45 actual
Hakkari Governership ties the death of Ekinci to richocheting bullet
12:59 actual
Demirtaş criticizes Supreme Court: Why can't you see what commanders did in Sur and Cizre
12:09 actual
HDP members summoned for deposition instead of AKP's Ergin
12:06 actual
Snowden to publish his memoir
12:04 actual
Gürkan: The struggle for democracy should be raised in order to remove the isolation
09:36 actual
2 million TL worth of irregularity from the Cizre trustee!
13:56 actual
Ilisu Dam is not just a risk is a real threat, say activists
13:55 actual
9 detained in İzmir
12:37 actual
Attorneys applied again to visit İmralı