10:19 actual
Ünsal: Our struggle is not only for justice, but also with fear and frustration
16:13 actual
Application for a second Bar Association in Ankara
14:40 economy-labor
Consumer confidence index falls, again
13:59 politics
HDP addresses Erdoğan about his 'good news': Stop the war, stop pillaging, stop favoritism!
12:28 actual
Families submit request to visit İmralı
10:46 women
Woman visiting prison made chose between her husband and son
10:03 actual
Covid-19 cases increase in Turkey: 1412 new cases, 19 dead
17:22 actual
Mesopotamia Cultural Center employees: We will continue perform our art
15:29 actual
Strike action from health care workers in Diyarbakır
15:10 actual
Meetings, demonstrations banned in Şırnak due to upcoming World Peace Day
15:07 actual
Lawyers submit request to visit Öcalan
13:29 actual
HDP: We condemn those who condone the Antep Massacre
11:28 actual
Koca: We have reached the highest case number of the month
11:04 actual
No tests in Diyarbakır in the last 3 days
11:03 actual
Specialized Sergeant Musa Orhan arrested
15:26 actual
Arrest warrant against Specialized Seargeant Musa Orhan
12:38 actual
HDP Municipal Councilors detained
12:37 actual
Afghan refugees dropped of at Silvan, instead of Ankara
11:14 actual
Imprisoned Co-Mayor Mızraklı: We have to stop it today or this will continue
10:34 actual
Co-Mayors of İkiköprü Municipality released from prison
10:30 actual
Those died of coronavirus exceeds 6 thousand
10:15 youth
HDP Youth Council member threatened with family at police station
09:39 actual
İ.E was buried under police blockade late last night
08:52 actual
HDP announces trustee report: The trustee system has crushed
21:41 actual
Search efforts for Gülistan Doku ended
12:59 actual
Having been raped by an specialized sergeant, İ.E. lost her life
12:52 actual
Bar Presidents visits Timtik and Ünsal
11:32 actual
Attorneys applied to visit Öcalan
11:29 actual
HDP to form a chain of peace
10:11 actual
Jailed journalists spoke to prisoners about outbreak
09:38 actual
12 people remanded in custody in Hakkari
14:04 actual
Coalition planes bomb Syrian troops
11:35 actual
Dr. Yaviç: More healthcare professionals may resign
09:15 actual
Life loss from Covid-19 increases to 5 thousand 974 in Turkey
13:16 actual
Prisoner's requests to be tested for Covid-19 are rejected
13:15 actual
HDP Muş Provincial Co-Chair Yiğit detained
11:37 actual
HDP Co-chair detained: Police pointed gun to child's head
10:49 actual
Healtcare workers: We are at the point of burnout
09:05 actual
Constitutional Court rejects appeal of death fasting lawyers
14:16 actual
HDP Executive detained
13:41 actual
HDP's Co-Mayor replaced with a trustee, arrested
12:49 actual
Families applied to visit İmralı
12:48 actual
Scores detained in Hakkari
12:48 actual
4 detained in Adana
12:05 actual
Foreign Minister sends letters to EU counterparts ahead of meeting
11:52 actual
Police raids wrong adress, threatening the residents
10:29 actual
Dede: Van Governor acts as AKP Provincial President
15:04 actual
Attorneys applied to visit Öcalan
14:37 actual
İnce: I am starting the 'Homeland in Thousand Days Movement' on September 4
12:48 actual
CPT's attitude deepening the isolation in Imrali