Women lit Newroz fire in Hezex: Öcalan must be free

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  • 16:49 17 March 2025
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ŞIRNEX - Speaking at the Newroz organized by women in Hezex, DBP co-chair Cigdem Kılıçgün Uçar stated that the call of February 27 is a call for common life, freedom and equality and Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom must be ensured. 
In Hezex (İdil) district of Şirnex (Şırnak), a Newroz celebration was held under the slogan “Democratic Society for Freedom / Rêbertiya Azad civaka demokratîk (Free Leader, Democratic Society)” led by Free Woman Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA). Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-chair Ciğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, DEM Party Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan, Mêrdîn (Mardin) Metropolitan Municipality dismissed Co-mayor Devrim Demir, DBP and DEM Party provincial and district organizations as well as hundreds of people attended the celebration. The celebration started in the early hours of the morning and people took their places in the area with their local clothes. 
Before the celebration, which witnessed colorful scenes, young people and women often chanted “Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)”, “Newroz pîroz be (Happy Newroz)” and shouted slogans.
The celebration started with a moment of silence and doves were flown by the Peace Mothers.  Peace Mother Ayşe Hezer said, “Mr Abdullah Öcalan's historic call will bring us freedom and peace. No one should have any doubt about this.” 
Devrim Demir stated that the historic call made by Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan will succeed with the struggle of women and emphasized that it is the state's turn to take steps. 
DEM Party Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan commemorated the victims of the Halabja massacre. Ayşegül Doğan emphasized that the family of 9 people, including 7 children, who were massacred by Turkish drones in the village of Barkh Botan in Kobani yesterday, were killed because they were Kurds. “We do not accept bombardments, we do not accept being slaughtered. Our message and attitude is clear,” she added. Referring to Abdullah Öcalan's historic call, Ayşegül Doğan stressed that physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan must be ensured. 
DBP Co-chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar stated that the Turkish drone attack on Kobani was aimed at sabotaging the process and said, "The perpetrators of the massacred Kurdish people, the 9 Kurds who were massacred in Kobanê must be revealed and those who carried out this attack in such a historical process must be held to account. All the attacks from Turkey are war crimes while there is a decision of non-conflict. Journalists are under threat of war. The Kurdish people are under threat. But this threat did not compromise the resistance of the Kurdish people in any way."
Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar underlined that Abdullah Öcalan's historic call promises freedom and equality to all peoples and is a guarantee for peoples to live together and said, “The February 27th call offers the Middle East, Turkey, the four parts of Kurdistan and the world a road map of what kind of life and what kind of future. The peoples of Turkey, especially the political parties in the Parliament, and the forces of democracy in Turkey should turn their faces to this call.”
Çiğdem Kılıgün Uçar stated that Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom conditions must be ensured for the process to succeed and said, "We do not accept that Mr. Öcalan, who offers a solution to all these problems, is still held in isolation in İmralı. Mr. Öcalan must be free in this historical process."
After the speeches women lit the Newroz fire and singer Mizgin Turan took the stage. The celebration ended with halays and slogans. 

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