NEWS CENTER - Zenubiya Women's Community made a statement on the massacre of Alevis on the Syrian coast and demanded that the perpatrators of the massacre be tried.
Zenubiya Women's Community, which operates in the city of Raqqa in North and East Syria, condemned the massacre of Alevis with the participation of women's organizations. In the statement made in front of the cultural building in Raqqa, Bitul Al Isa, a member of the Education Commission of Zenubiye Women's Community, made a speech.
In the statement condemning the massacre of Alevis in Syria's coastal cities, it was emphasised that the crimes committed against Alevis are an attempt to create chaos or sectarian war. The women stated that these attacks serve the forces preventing the construction of a democratic Syria. The statement condemned the silence of international powers and called for the establishment of a commission of inquiry to hold those responsible for the massacres to account.
In the statement it was said, "We announce once again that we stand by and support our brothers and sisters on the Syrian coast. We will continue to be the voice of truth and justice by uniting. We will protect the rights of the Syrian people and continue our common struggle to defent Syrian territory."