ISTANBUL - Pointing to the call of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, DEM Party Deputy Newroz Uysal Aslan said, "What the ruling mind will do after this point, seeing this call in the new paradigm, is the most critical issue in terms of the course of the process."
While the PKK has taken a concrete step by declaring a ceasefire in response to Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's call for "Peace and Democratic Society", it remains unclear what steps the government will take in order for the process to move forward. While expectations about the steps to be taken by the government continue, Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party Şırnak MP Newroz Uysal Aslan pointed out that the practices of the government are very critical in this process.
Newroz Uysal Aslan emphasised that Abdullah Öcalan put forward two lines, "democratic politics" and "legal grounds", for the realisation and permanence of the situation indicated by the call and said, "What we mean by democratic politics here is not only AKP, MHP or DEM Party. Today, all political parties in the Parliament include the grounds for the people themselves to produce politics and make policies, and by legal grounds we mean the Parliament with its role as a constitution and law-maker. In this respect, this call is not a one-sided call. On the contrary, it is a call to all parties and interlocutors, and democratic politics must read this process in a correct and empowering way in order for each interlocutor to fulfil its responsibility. The parliament, which is referred to as the legal ground, must also take constitutional and legal steps. In his message, Mr Öcalan says 'I am ready to take responsibility'."
Newroz Uysal Aslan emphasised that it is decisive what kind of a road map the state will draw in the following process and what kind of a change it will make in the current war-conflict policies and said, "In this respect, the expectation is what kind of a path democratic politics will take in the democratic transformation that awaits the society and in the creation of the new Turkey. The coming process and days are very critical. Of course, each stage is very important. The parties need time and opportunity to fulfil their responsibilities. This is not a matter that can happen in just 1-2 days. Mr Öcalan reflected on his stance towards a solution, the emergence of the PKK, its change during the process and his assessment of its current state. From this point on, what the state mind, the ruling mind, which sees this transformation, paradigm and call, will do is the most critical issue in terms of the course of this process."
Newroz Uysal Aslan stated that the Kurdish people have been trying to find a solution to the Kurdish issue through democratic politics since the 90s, and said that the state has responded with policies of oppression. Newroz Uysal Aslan said, "From those days until today, the Kurdish Movement, which has tried a democratic and political solution and has taken steps in this direction, has faced either party closures or greater bans, operations and military conflicts. In this respect, the attitude of the Kurdish people and the Kurdish Movement towards a solution on the grounds of democratic politics and law is a clear and known attitude. The prohibitionist, freedom-denying and denialist policies of the state have a great impact on the continuation of this situation."
Reminding the experiences of peace processes in the world, Newroz Uysal Aslan emphasised that there is a need for the participation of different segments that can take this process forward as much as the parties, calls and positions of the process. Newroz Uysal Aslan said, "Democratic, political and social dynamics; young people, women and different initiatives within the society today will have a great impact and contribution to the course and permanence of this process. After this statement, it has become even more essential to transform peace and the solution from being a matter between the parties to a social issue, a matter of freedoms and fundamental rights, in line with the character of the Kurdish issue. In this respect, we have a lot to do; a very heavy, critical and responsible process awaits us."
MA / Yeşim Tükel