ANKARA - DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Gulistan Kilic Kocyigit stated that the İmralı meeting will take place in a few days and said, "After this meeting, the time of the historci call to be made with Mr Öcalan will be determined."
Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party Group Deputy Chair Gulistan Kilic Kocyigit shared some information about the third İmralı meeting at a press conderence held in the Parliament. Gulistan Kilic Kocyigit said, "Our delegation will go to İmralı in a few days. We expect the necessary applications to be made within a few days, today or tomorrow. Preparations are being finalised. During the visit to İmralı, especially the information about the visits made in Southern Kurdistan and the discussions will be conveyed to Mr Öcalan. After this meeting, the time of the historic call to be made together with Mr Öcalan will also became clear. It will be the beginning of a new era in the solution of the Kurdish issue. We also know that this historic call will come. We underline that the practices that undermine and poison this ground on which the Turkihs and Kurdish alliance will be re-established, and that the practices that put obstacles in front of it must be condemned by politics and society in the first place."
Gulsistan Kilic Kocyigit emphasised that the Parliament has a responsibility after this historic call and added, "After this historic call is made, I would like to call on the Parliament to take responsibility and to get to work as soon as possible for legal arrangements that will fulfil the requirements of this call."