Prisoner Topkaya: We will not get used to the absolute isolation in İmralı

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  • 18:19 6 January 2024
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AMED - Prisoner Ahmet Topkaya, who is on hunger strike in Kürkçüler Type F Closed Prison, stated that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan resisted in İmralı and said: “At this point, our duty is to protect and grow that resistance. We will not get used to the absolute isolation in Imrali."
Ahmet Topkaya, a prisoner in Adana Type F Kürkçüler Prison, stated in his weekly phone call that they went on a rotating hunger strike and that they did not accept the absolute isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Stating that the prisoners took the responsibility of this process, Topkaya call the public. Stating that everyone must raise their voice against isolation, Topkaya said: “We will definitely not get used to absolute isolation. Today, the isolation imposed on the our Leader in İmralı is applied to the Kurds. Our leader has been resisting for his people and the oppressed people in İmralı for more than 20 years. At this point, our duty is to protect and grow that resistance. We know that the colonial state continues their attacks both in prisons and outside. We can only break this oppression and colonialism by growing our organization."
Underlining that they are on a hunger strike within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, Topkaya said: "We do not know whether these strikes will evolve into another stage, but we do not accept this isolation and we will pay whatever price is necessary."

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