Women call for September 16

  • women
  • 12:10 12 September 2024
  • |

NEWS CENTER - Women in Iran stated that they will participate in the general strike announced on September 16 and called for “expanding and owning the strike”. 

Calls for a general strike continue due to the second anniversary of Jîna Emînî's murder. Following the decision of civil society organizations in Rojhilat and Iran to hold a general strike, women from Rojhilat and Iran announced that they will participate in the strike. 
The statement said that on the anniversary of Jîna Emînî's death, the fire of the revolution will once again be kept alive and added: “We have a duty to continue our struggle and follow the path of the martyrs. On this anniversary, let us tell the Islamic Republic what our revolution and resistance are. Our protests continue in the cities and today the mountains are no longer alone. There is a fighter in every house in Kurdistan. We are on the verge of the second anniversary of the 'Jin, jiyan, azadî (woman, life, freedom)' women's uprising. We shocked the mullah regime by organizing a spectacular revolt march to condemn the murder of Jîna Emînî. With the most symbolic slogan 'jin, jiyan, azadi', we conveyed the message of our more than 40 years of joint struggle against the gender discriminatory regime, headscarf and anti-women rulers to the people and liberated women nationally and globally.  The unity and solidarity of our freedom women in Kurdistan will be the radical support of the struggle against execution, oppression and crime and the continuation of the gains of the popular uprising of freedom women. 
On the second anniversary of the Jin, jiyan, azadî revolution, we gather at the graves of our beloved martyrs of more than 40 years to commemorate and honor their memories”