Crime against 1.564 women in Efrîn


EFRÎN - Heyhan Ali, a member of the Human Rights Organization of Efrîn, announced that crimes was committed against 1.564 women and  children were forced to marry in the city under the control of the Turkish Armed Forces and affiliated groups.

Turkish army and its mercenary allies continue to commit heavy crimes against civilians in the areas under their control. Women are the main target of these attacks.
The attacks and violence target women in particular and their brutality have been condemned in the entire North East Syria. Since March 2018, some 1,564 crimes against women in Afrin have been recorded.
Heyhan Ali, member of the Afrin Human Rights Organization, told about the brutality of these attacks and have underlined the silence of the international community. Heyhan pointed out that the kidnapping and killing carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenaries have increased. He recalled the abduction and murder of young Malak Nabih Khalil, only a few days ago.
Heyhan said: “Children are forced to marry. If the family of a child objects to such a forced marriage, they are threatened with death by the mercenaries. Indeed, child marriage has increased in Afrin. Families are forced to let their children get married because they are afraid that otherwise they will be kidnapped by the mercenaries. As a human rights organization, we have documented some crimes committed by these mercenaries, like harassment, torture and forced marriage.”
Protesting to the silence of the international public opinion, Heyhan said: “International institutions should not only write reports. Documented crimes should be pursued and the responsible parties must be brought to justice. Remaining silent against these crimes ensures the continuation of these crimes. The Turkish state and its mercenaries are indeed encouraged to continue by this silence.”