Police threatens young man he can't leave Anti-terror Branch alive


ADANA - Ulaş Can Taylan Arguş who was detained following the commemoration held for the anniversary of İbrahim Kaypakkaya, told that he was threatened by the police who said he couldn't leave the anti-terror branch building alive.

The people attending the commemoration held for İbrahim Kaypakkaya and the revolutionary leaders on May 18, in the Seyhan district of Adana was subjected to police pressure. Commune Assembly member Ulaş Can Taylan Arguş stated that the police showed the people living in the neighborhood the pictures of the event, trying to put pressure on them.
Arguş stated that the police told the people living in the neighborhood to identify the people in the pictures and report their whereabouts or they will be charged with aiding and abetting. Arguş who told that the threats continued for 4 days, said he was later detained but the police pressure on the neighborhood continues. 
Arguş who stated that he was taken into custody by the police on May 22, said: "We were detained around 16.20 with a friend in our neighborhood. They took us to the anti terror branch and interrogated us. I wasn't processed by the police during that time. I was questioned by 10 police officers. Police told me, "Let's keep in touch. This is not the first time we met. Be careful about the events you organize. Next time you come here, you may not leave that easily". Then I was processed and taken to Forensic Medicine Institution and released after that.