HDP visits Dilgeç in prison: His needs are not being met

ANKARA - HDP Law and Human Rights Commission visited little Dilgeş, who is only 3 and a half and is in prison with his mother and has to stay two weeks in isolation. 
HDP Law and Human Rights Commission visited Dilgeş, a 3.5-year-old little boy, sent to prison with his mother who was arrested on 22 May as a result of the political genocide operation against the Rosa Women's Association.
HDP Law and Human Rights Commission co-spokesperson Ümit Dede and commission member lawyer Mehmet Öner went to Diyarbakır Women's Prison and met Dilgeş's mother Gönül Aslan, HDP member Özlem Gündüz and other detained women.
The delegation said after the visit that prisoners were quarantined and in isolation because of the coronavirus pandemic. They had been divided into groups of 4 and that they would remain in quarantine for 14 days.
At the same time, the delegation said that the needs of the prisoners were not met because the canteen in prison was closed during the end of Ramadan holiday. The delegation also underlined that the urgent needs of little Dilgeş, who suffers from a kidney failure, are not met.
Two other brothers are alone outside
The delegation said that Dilgeş is having a hard time in jail, given the forced isolation. Dilgeş has two brothers, aged 7 and 14, who have been left alone after the arrest of their mother, Gönül Aslan. No answer has been given to the appeal lodged by lawyers for Aslan to be released.