HDK: Çorum Massacre was a message regarding the construction of the new system


İSTANBUL - HDK commemorated those who lost their lives in the Çorum Massacre on its anniversary. In the statement made, it was stated that the massacre was “organized as a message to the society in the construction of the new system”.

In a written statement on the anniversary of the Çorum massacre, the HDK Peoples and Beliefs Assembly said: "The 12 September 1980 coup was a process in which the dominant political forces established their own system. Those who oppose this system, those who have religious and sectarian differences have been considered enemies, and faced massacres and assimilation policies."
The Çorum massacre, which took place between 27 May and 4 July 1980, continues to be a social wound that has not healed despite 40 years have past, said the HDK.
The statement continued: "We commemorate all our citizens who lost their lives in the Çorum Massacre with the belief and strength we received from the struggle of the peoples, and promise to fight for the enlightenment of this massacre and for its non repetition."
The Çorum massacre was carried out between May and July 1980. Extremist Sunni Muslims, part of a "nationalist youth" campaign, targeted the Alevi community and murdered 57 left activists. Some 300 were injured. Many victims were young people and women.