Prisoner with cancer not taken checkup for 5 months

  • actual
  • 12:48 15 August 2024
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RIHA - Prisoner Şehriban Mimkara, who has larynx cancer, has not been taken to the hospital for 5 months. Her lawyer Gül Fehime Binici stated that the cancer has spread and that the practice is arbitrary. 
According to Human Rights Association (IHD) data; there are 1,517 ill prisoners in prisons, 651 of them seriously ill.  The General Directorate of Criminal Records and Statistics of the Ministry of Justice, which publishes data on prisoners in prisons every year, does not include any information on ill prisoners. There are at least 279 ill prisoners, 24 of them seriously ill, in Urfa Type T Prisons No. 1 and 2 and Siverek Type T Prison No. 2 in Riha alone. One of them is Şehriban Mimkara, a cancer patient held in Urfa Type T Prison No. 2. 
Arrested on 2 February 2021 on the charge of “being an illegal organization member”, Mimkara has not been taken for routine check-ups since April 2024. Mimkara, who was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in January, underwent surgery shortly after and one of the 3 cancerous masses was removed. Stating that the other two cancerous masses need to grow in order to be removed, doctors stated that Mimkara should come to the hospital twice a month for check-ups.  
Mimkara, who was taken to the hospital for a check-up in April, has not been taken for a check-up in the past 5 months. Mimkara has petitioned the prison administration many times for hospitalization, but the administration officials have always postponed the referral, saying “next week”. 
Prisoner Şehriban Mimkara
Mimkara's lawyer Gül Fehime Binici stated that not taking her client to the hospital is an arbitrary practice and that her right to health was violated. Pointing out that arbitrary practices against political prisoners in prisons are increasing day by day.
Stating that Mimkara has laryngeal cancer and the cancer may spread if the necessary interventions are not made, Binici said: “There are no necessary health conditions in prison. Ill prisoners cannot access medicines and doctors. For this reason, Şehriban's condition is getting worse every day. The two cancerous masses in her larynx are still there and growing. We think it has spread to other organs. Because Şehriban reported that she has been experiencing sudden hot temperatures recently and the bottom of her feet burned. She is very weakened due to the disease. She said she had difficulty swallowing.” 
Underlining that the doctors temporarily assigned to the prison change frequently and have partial authorization to prescribe medication, Binici continued as follows: “The doctors who went to the prison stated that they are not authorized to prescribe and refer every medicine. Some patients are forced to wait 4-5 months for referral. Such practices are against the European Convention and the Constitution. This is a violation of the right to life and health. Ill prisoners are discharged on their deathbed or in coffins. Ministries must take the necessary steps. The Ministry of Health must address the shortage of doctors in prisons. All legal organizations must unite for ill prisoners to access the right to health. Ill prisoners in prison must be released as soon as possible for treatment.”