Why is Der ez-Zor targeted?

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  • 12:36 11 August 2024
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RIHA - Journalist Cihan Bilgin pointed out that Der ez-Zor is targeted due to its strategic location and rich underground resources, and said that Turkey and Russia are also involved in the attacks.  

The city of Der ez-Zor in northern and eastern Syria is targeted by forces loyal to the Damascus regime and the regime-backed Difa al-Wetani. For days, forces loyal to Damascus have been attacking different points in Der ez-Zor. 13 people, including 6 children, were killed in the attacks on August 9. As the attacks continued, tribes and opinion leaders expressed support for the Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD). 
Der ez-Zor is a strategic city for the forces in the region. Located on the border between Syria and Iraq, the city is also on the banks of the Euphrates River. Hesekê lies to the northeast, Reqa to the northwest and Homs to the southwest. The population of the historical city before 2011 was one million 700 thousand. However, hundreds of thousands of people were forced to migrate after the internal conflicts in Syria and the control of ISIS. Arabs make up the majority of the city's population. Kurdish and Turkmen families also live there. Dérazor is also a city of rich energy resources. Many oil and gas fields are located here. 
The city remained under ISIS control for many years. The Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD) launched the "Jizre Storm" operation on September 9, 2017. The city center was liberated on March 23, 2019. The east of the city is now controlled by the Civil Council of Der ez-Zor, while the west is controlled by forces loyal to the Damascus government, Russia and Iran. ISIS continues its presence in the deserts west of the city. 
Cihan Bilgin, a journalist following the developments in Northern and Eastern Syria, evaluated the developments in the region.  
Pointing out that the attacks on Der ez-Zor are not new, Bilgin said: "Hegemonic powers have been seeking to spread their dirty plans from Der ez-Zor to Northern and Eastern Syria for a long time. In the last two years, many plans in this direction have been tried through Der ez-Zor. In recent days, there have been major attacks by forces loyal to the Damascus government. The targets of the attacks are civilians. The aim is to create the impression that there are clashes among the people." 
Emphasizing that Der ez-Zor is a strategic center, "Der ez-Zor is located in a strategic place for everyone. There are many forces in the region. In Der ez-Zor there is the Autonomous Administration, while in the west there are Iranian and Damascus forces. There are also coalition forces in Abu Kemal. In the desert parts of Der ez-Zor, there are ISIS cells. Those in these cells train themselves there and plan their attacks from there" she said. 
Bilgin said the city is often targeted due to its strategic location. Bilgin said: "In terms of underground riches, it attracts the attention of the powers that have plans in the region. Regional powers are constantly seeking to create turmoil in the region in line with their dirty plans. Iranian forces have often tried to realize these goals by attacking the Autonomous Administration regions. Difa al-Wetani, affiliated to the Damascus government, also carries out attacks in this context. They tried to do something similar to the current attacks last year. They attempted a major attack in July 2023. However, the QSD prevented this with a major operation."
Bilgin reminded that the tribes in the region stated that they stand by the QSD with their statement and said: "In their statement, the tribes drew attention to Turkey's role in what happened. Turkey was directly involved in the attacks last year and they were seeking to occupy a large area. However, their plans were prevented by QSD." 
Bilgin also shared a remarkable information about the attacks and said: "Many of the gangs taking part in the attacks are composed of those who have been trained for a long time in the cities occupied by Turkey and the paramilitary forces it supports. Their aim is to reintroduce the plan they failed last year. While these gangs are attacking from the ground, Turkey is supporting them with reconnaissance. As the gangs started to attack in Der ez-Zor, Turkey started to carry out aerial attacks in many parts of Northern and Eastern Syria. Turkey's attacks against Shahba continue. These attacks have increased in recent days. The aim of the attacks is to destroy the peaceful atmosphere in the Autonomous Administration and to claim that there is unrest among the people."  
Bilgin emphasized that the residents of the region stood by the QSD despite all the attacks. Bilgin said, "It was important that the tribes declared that they were with the QSD after a big meeting. This negated the rhetoric of the Damascus government gangs saying 'QSD cannot maintain order, there are conflicts between families, let us maintain order as tribal forces'." 
Saying that Russia also has a share in the turmoil in the region, Bilgin said: "When Turkey declares that it wants to meet with Damascus, Russia supports it from time to time. Turkey's aim in saying this is not to find a final solution to the problems in the region, but to steer them in a direction in line with its own interests. Turkey's aim is to eliminate the gains of the people in northern and eastern Syria by taking Damascus with it. Since the people acted together with the Autonomous Administration, none of the plans that were tried to be put into action could come to life. The Autonomous Administration draws its greatest strength from the people." 
Bilgin pointed out that the attacks may continue for a while and continued as follows: "Against this, QSD is in a great resistance to disrupt the established plans. The peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria are more united than ever to protect their gains. Everyone must speak out against the massacres targeting children. No one should remain silent."