AKP's 'transportable' military and police voters

  • actual
  • 16:36 31 March 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Soldiers and police officers, whom AKP brought to many cities as voters, were brought to the ballot boxes where they would vote en masse.
Voting has started in the Local Government Elections, where local governments will be determined. As soon as the voting process started, the military-police officers that AKP had brought to many cities as voters were brought to the schools en masse.
DEM Party objected to 54 thousand 60 irregular voters in 32 places. The centers where soldiers and police were moved were determined as Amed, Şirnex, Colemêrg, Êlih, Agirî, Mûş, Îdir, Qers, Riha, Sêrt, Mêrdîn and Dêrsim.
In Mêrdîn's Kerboran (Dargeçit) and Stewr (Savur) districts, transported soldiers and police officers were also brought to vote en masse. Soldiers and police officers at Dargeçit Anatolian High School and Dargeçit Secondary School were also reflected in the images.
In Stewr district, Aziz Sancar Secondary School and Nuri Cıngıllıoğlu High School were the places where soldiers and police were mass-screened. The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) objected to the soldiers and police officers brought to vote on buses. Voting was stopped at two schools in Stewr County. After a while, voting started again.
In Amed's Pasûr (Kulp) district, transported soldiers and police officers started voting at Atatürk Secondary School, Seyrek Secondary School, Hamzalı Canaydın Secondary School and Uzunova Secondary School. Soldiers and police officers in civilian clothes were transported to the schools where they would vote in minibuses. Citizens who came to the polls to vote reacted to the situation in question. Tension started at the ballot boxes.
New images have been obtained of soldiers and police officers voting collectively in Pasûr district. The police and soldiers were brought to the district's Hamzalı Village Primary School in 3 buses and voted there. Those moments were recorded by a citizen on a mobile phone. In the footage, police and soldiers brought by buses are seen waiting in front of the school to vote.
It was determined that there were 900 registered voters in the Multi-Program Anatolian High School located in Hürriyet District of Hezro (Hazro) district. It has been seen that 167 transport voters have voted so far in ballot box number 1021 at the school.
In Sêrt, transport voters cast their votes at Mehmetçik Primary School, Selahattin Eyübi Secondary School and Ibrahim Hakkı Imam Hatip Secondary School and High School. Queues formed in front of certain classes in schools where voting was held. It was noteworthy that the voter density in these schools was higher than in other schools.
Hundreds of soldiers and police officers were seen coming to vote en masse in the towns of Xirvate (Büyükçiftlik) and Bajêrge (Esendere) in Colemêrg's Gever (Yüksekova) district. While soldiers were arriving in armored vehicles in Xirvate; In the town of Bajêrge, it was noteworthy that they came together with AKP members.
Soldiers and police officers who moved to Kerboran (Dargeçit) and Stewr (Savur) districts of Mêrdîn as voters were taken to the ballot boxes as the voting process started. Hundreds of soldiers and police were brought en masse to the schools where they would vote in buses.
DEM Party Deputy Kamuran Tanhan recorded the soldiers and police officers who were transported to Dargeçit Anatolian High School and Dargeçit Secondary School by buses.
Reacting to the situation, Tanhan said in his statement: “I am taking a picture of AKP's theft. Voters who were not here were recorded in the registers here and cast their votes. The buses visible behind me are proof of AKP's theft. The AKP government, which is trying to usurp the will of the people by moving voters here, should know well that we will win this election. We couldn't cope with your theft and cheating, but we will win this election."
Saying that what was done is a crime, Tanhan said to the soldiers and police: "Do not be part of AKP's crimes. These people will give you the necessary answer."