Local clothes of detained youngs confiscated

  • actual
  • 12:38 30 March 2024
  • |

QERS - The police detained two young people wearing local clothes at the rally organized by the DEM Party in Qers and confiscated the clothes of the young people.

The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) held a rally in Qers Cumhuriyet Square on March 27, with the participation of DEM Party Co-chair Tuncer Bakırhan, as part of the election campaign. Young people named C. S. and V. S. wanted to enter the rally wearing their local clothes and were stopped by the police at the search point at the entrance to the area. The police prevented them from entering, claiming that it was forbidden to enter the area with these clothes.
The young people said to the police, “This is our local dress. We wear it at weddings and entertainment occasions. These dresses are not prohibited." The police detained the young people. Since C. S. was under 18 was taken to Juvenile Branch and V. S. was taken to the Provincial Police Department.
While the clothes of both detained young people were taken off and confiscated by the police, the police called their families and asked them to bring them clothes. The young people were released after the clothes were confiscated.