Isolation message from the prisoner on hunger strike

  • actual
  • 16:07 28 November 2023
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ISTANBUL - Hamgin Karakaş, one of the prisoners who went on a hunger strike in Bolvadin Type T Closed Prison demanding "freedom for Abdullah Öcalan", said: "Abdullah Öcalan is a red line for us."

Hamgin Karakaş, a prisoner in Afyon Bolvadin Type T Closed Prison, announced that he went on a rotating hunger strike in prisons within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign. Talking to his family by phone, Karakaş said: "This isolation is likely to become general and spread to all prisons and the Kurdish people. The Leader (Öcalan) is a red line for us. That's why we are curious about his life. Lawyers and his family have not been able to meet him for about 3 years. We are here to get any news from there. We are going on a hunger strike alternately. We will do our best to end the isolation imposed on all our people. My friend named Gökhan and I started a hunger strike to end the isolation."