'March to Gemlik for the future of our children'

  • actual
  • 13:42 16 November 2023
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RIHA - Drawing attention to the importance of the march to be held in Gemlik, Mehmet and Fatma Öcalan, brothers of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, said: "Let's move from Kurdistan to Turkey and march to Gemlik in order for the İmralı gates to be opened. We have to do this for the future of our children."
There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım, who are held in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, for 32 months. Actions and events organized all over the world, especially in Kurdistan, continue to end the state of absolute lack of communication on İmralı Island, where the law is suspended. A "Freedom March" will be held in Gemlik on November 18 to end the isolation and ensure the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.
Stating that they are concerned about Abdullah Öcalan's health condition, his brothers Mehmet and Fatma Öcalan called on the public to participate in the march to end the isolation.
Stating that they are concerned about the health condition of his brother Abdullah Öcalan, Mehmet Öcalan said: "Turkey violated its own legal norms with the isolation practice. It has been nearly 33 months without hearing from Abdullah Öcalan. The President(Abdullah Öcalan) is not allowed to see both his family and his lawyers. If the law in a country is upheld individually, everyone living in that country is affected by this. We do not expect anything from the state, they should just uphold their own law. Legally, every prisoner has the right to meet with their family and lawyers. If the state respects its own laws, the president needs to meet with his family and lawyers. As a family, we are very worried. We do not know what is happening on İmralı Island, we do not know if the prisoners will survive."
Referring to the importance of the march to be held in Gemlik on November 18 to end the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and ensure his physical freedom, Öcalan said: “Everyone needs to join this march and make a voice for themselves and their future. The declarations made by intellectuals, politicians and institutions were important for the solution of the Kurdish issue, democracy, peace and freedom. Everyone needs to do whatever they can to end the isolation. My call to Kurds, Arabs, Turks and all segments of society is to join the march for democracy and freedom. Let's move from Kurdistan to Turkey and direct our direction to Gemlik in order for the Imrali gates to be opened. We have to do this for the future of our children."
Stating that she last saw her brother 8 years ago, her sister Fatma Öcalan said: “We cannot get any news. We don't know what his health condition is. We want to receive news; however, we cannot meet with my brother due to the isolation imposed by the state. We missed you so much, that's enough. The march to end this isolation is very important. Everyone needs support. Take care of the president."
MA / Mahmut Altıntaş