Journalist Germiyani: KDP evacuated 158 villages

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  • 14:19 14 November 2023
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NEWS CENTER - Journalist Baran Germiyani said that KDP, which is a partner in Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region, has evacuated 158 villages so far and at least 600 villages are under threat.
The attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region, which Turkey has been carrying out for years and made comprehensive in cooperation with the KDP on April 17, 2022, continue. Turkey, which could not get the results it wanted in the attacks against Zap, Metina and Avaşin regions, is trying to settle in the region through the KDP it put on the field. Forces affiliated with the KDP are paving the way with construction equipment and building new bases at many points so that Turkey can make progress.
KDP, which is trying to implement Turkey's plans, is forcing the people to migrate by evacuating villages. Journalist Baran Germiyani, who lives in the Federated Kurdistan Region, stated that 158 villages were evacuated as a result of the pressure of the KDP during Turkey's ongoing attacks, and at least 600 villages are under the threat of evacuation.
Stating that Turkey could not get the results it wanted in the region and that KDP opened space for Turkey with its policy of evacuating villages,Germiyani said:"Turkey is trying to achieve results with chemical weapons attacks. Not only people but also the nature of the region are affected due to the chemical weapons used. The Turkish state is in an attack not only against the Kurdish existence, but also against its nature. These attacks have been going on for 2 years. Due to this, people were rendered unable to cultivate. In just 2 years, KDP evacuated 158 villages as a result of Turkey's request. Currently, more than 600 villages are under the threat of evacuation in these regions where the war continues. People in these villages earn their living from animal husbandry and cultivation; however, chemical weapon attacks have brought animal husbandry and cultivation to the point of ending it. In addition, Turkish soldiers are attacking guerrilla positions right next to KDP's bases. KDP is paving the way for Turkey to occupy the entire region." 
Emphasizing that there is a historical resistance against attacks in the region, Germiyani said: "Turkey has been attacking the Kurds for a century. Even as it enters the centenary of the Republic, it is attacking the Kurds and Kurdistan. They want to make the Kurds lose another century. By occupying Southern Kurdistan and Rojava Kurdistan, they are attacking the National Pact and Kurdistan. He wants to revive his dream of rebuilding the Ottoman Empire. But these dreams were dashed in a very short time. Those who imposed the occupation on Kurdistan responded with a heroic resistance, and the invasion attacks against Avaşîn, Zap and Metina did not stop even for a day. Their previous strategies have not worked for two years. The Turkish state had to leave many of the places they occupied. They entered but could not stay. They will not be able to continue this war any longer. Because despite the betrayal and support of the KDP for two years, Turkey has not been able to make progress as it wanted. This is actually a sign that they have failed in the war." he stated.
Stating that 205 Turkish soldiers lost their lives in the last month of war alone, and also shared the information that many reconnaissance planes were shot down, Germiyani said: "Turkey could not settle in the region despite all its attacks. The only way left for them is to step back. Their only goal is for the KDP to attack the guerrilla positions next to the invading Turkish state. The KDP opens a new path for the Turkish army. It makes it easier for the Turkish state to enter the region. KDP is in a great betrayal. The Turkish state is trying to get results in the war by wearing the clothes of KDP peshmerga. This year, 5 of Turkey's helicopters were shot down and they are taking off from KDP bases. The guerrillas do not want to shed Kurdish blood. That is why they are resisting all invasion attacks and KDP's aid and support. Despite its support, it continues its historical resistance. It carries out different actions day and night against the invaders."
MA / Zeynep Durgut