Protest against the budget negotiations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • actual
  • 15:22 8 November 2023
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ANKARA - HEDEP MPs attended the budget meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with white scarves and red carnations and condemned the attacks on Saturday Mothers and Peace Mothers.

Discussions on the "2024 Central Government Budget Law Proposal" continue in the Parliamentary Planning and Budget Commission. Today, the Ministry of Internal Affairs budget negotiations started. The speeches started with the protest of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) MPs. HEDEP MPs wore white scarves around their necks to represent the Mothers of Peace. They also attended the meetings with red carnations representing the Saturday Mothers/People.
Speaking at the meetings attended by the Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya, HEDEP Elîh MP Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki said: "For a while in this country, Peace Mothers and Saturday Mothers have not been allowed to exercise their right to peaceful and democratic protest, despite the decisions of the Constitutional Court. Those mothers are mothers who have lost their children. They are brothers and sisters who have lost their brothers and sisters. They have never exhibited an anti-democratic attitude until today. Their activities are still persistently prevented. We brought their carnations here to protest. Let them peacefully and democratically protest."