US and Israel's Gaza plan

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  • 15:40 1 November 2023
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NEWS CENTER - It has been claimed that the USA and Israel are working on a plan to form a multinational peacekeeping force consisting of American, German, British and French troops in the Gaza Strip in case the Hamas administration is overthrown.
While the Israeli army's attack on the blockaded Gaza Strip continues on its 26th day, Bloomberg news agency delivered remarkable news. The agency claimed that the USA and Israel were working on a plan to form a multinational peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip, which would include American, German, British and French troops, if the Israeli army was successful in overthrowing Hamas.
While wondering the answer to the question of where the situation will evolve in Gaza, where the Israeli blockade and attacks continue, following the ceasefire calls from institutions such as the United Nations (UN), one of the addresses that all eyes turn to is the USA.
While it was wondered whether the USA would not send troops to Gaza, US Vice President Kamala Harris, in her statement on October 30, said: "We have no plan or intention to send troops to Israel or Gaza" and called on Iran not to get involved in the issue.
Although Harris said that they would not send troops to the region, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his speech at a Senate session yesterday, said about the future of Gaza: "We cannot return to the status quo where Hamas rules Gaza. At the same time - and the Israelis agree with this idea - "Israel does not manage or control Gazze. In this context, there are many possible options that we and other countries are examining very closely at the moment."
It was claimed that the USA and Israel, which stated that there would be no return to the status quo governed by Hamas, had discussed three different options regarding Gaza.
According to the information shared by officials speaking to Bloomberg news agency, the first option on the table is to establish a multinational peacekeeping force in Gaza.
It has been claimed that the peacekeeping force, which will include American, British, German and French soldiers, will include representatives from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, and that it is aimed to temporarily give control of Gaza to the countries in the region.
A second option being considered for the future of Gaza is to establish a peacekeeping force based on the model of the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace agreement. According to the news, the Israeli government finds the multinational force and observer formula implemented in the Sinai Peninsula in 1979 "worthy of consideration."
It was stated that a third option was considered to temporarily leave Gaza under the control of the United Nations (UN). Bloomberg wrote that this option was not preferred by Israeli officials because it was deemed "difficult to implement." The news also emphasized that negotiations on "post-Hamas" scenarios are still in their early stages and no concrete plans have been made.