'Kurds want to hear from Abdullah Öcalan'

  • actual
  • 15:46 27 October 2023
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WAN - Representatives of non-governmental organizations in Wan stated that there has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for 32 months and said, "Kurdish people want to hear from Mr. Öcalan."
The aggravated isolation system put into effect on İmralı Island has been maintained with absolute lack of communication for 32 months. There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş, who are help in severe isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, for more than 32 months. Managers of non-governmental organizations in Wan stated that the isolation imposed in İmralı was a crime against humanity.
Emin Şeker, Prison Commission Officer of the Wan Branch of the Association for Assistance with Detainee and Convict Families (TUHAY-DER), said that the isolation of Öcalan was not a decision taken by Turkey alone. Stating that Öcalan's ideas are ideas that advocate peace and equality among peoples in the Middle East, Şeker said: “Since the imperialist powers oppose these ideas, they do not want to keep Mr. Öcalan's paradigm alive in the Middle East. This is the reason for the isolation. This is the reason for the chaos in the Middle East today. The isolation imposed on Öcalan does not only include İmralı Prison, but is also implemented in prisons throughout Turkey. The reason for all the rights violations taking place in prisons today is related to the isolation imposed in İmralı. Due to isolation, laws are not enforced in prisons."
Stating that there is no news of other problems in İmralı, especially Öcalan, Şeker said: “CPT does not share with the public the information they obtained during their visits to prisons, especially İmralı. This is an indication that CPT is no longer safe. Due to the continuation of the isolation, it causes many problems in Turkey, especially the economic crisis, to deepen. The source of all the problems experienced in the country is isolation. We call on all non-governmental organizations to exercise all their democratic rights to end the isolation."
Serhat Migration Research Association (Serhat Göç-Der) Co-chairperson Hüsnü Ürgün said that isolation is a crime against humanity. Stating that the isolation imposed on İmralı was caused by hatred towards the Kurds, Ürgün said: “The Kurdish people want to hear from Mr. Öcalan. In a democratic country, prisons must act according to the law. According to these laws, those in prison must meet with their lawyers and families. These practices are completely unlawful. Even in Wan these days, the laws are not enforced. We cannot even use our most democratic rights. The source of this lawlessness is isolation. Prisoners in prison are exiled to other cities. Families cannot reach their children. We want these practices to be abolished as soon as possible."
Lawyer Sinan Aras, member of the Board of Directors of the Human Rights Association (IHD) Wan Branch, drew attention that there are very bad isolation conditions in prisons and said: “There has been an isolation imposed on İmralı Prison for 32 months. The implementation of this isolation is against the agreements to which Turkey is a party, the decisions of the Constitutional Court, the procedural law and the law on lawyers. This unlawfulness has the effect of neutralizing the will that would truly bring about political transformation in Turkey, isolating it from the people, and perpetuating the atmosphere of chaos. The state continues the isolation in İmralı by completely ignoring the law. A wall is being built between Mr. Öcalan and the people. The state is committing crimes with its own methods by not recognizing the law."