Soysal arrested despite his heart battery and 91 percent disability report

  • actual
  • 15:06 26 October 2023
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ŞIRNEX - 78-year-old Emin Soyal, whose heart works with a pacemaker, was arrested despite his 91 percent disability report. Mesut Soyal stated that his father could not meet his needs on his own and asked for his release.
78-year-old Emin Soyal and 4 people were detained in house raids in the Hezex (İdil) district of Şirnex within the scope of the investigation launched by the Siirt Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and its affiliated villages on October 19. Soysal and his entourage were arrested by the court on October 23, on the charge of "aiding the organization".
Soyal, whose arrest was also on the agenda of the Parliament yesterday, has diseases such as heart failure, COPD, vision and hearing loss. There is also a 91 percent disability report from Cizre State Hospital dated March 1. Soyal's lawyer submitted the report given by Cizre State Hospital regarding his client's illnesses to the judgeship; however, despite the hospital report, an arrest warrant was issued for Soyal. It was also learned that Soyal had difficulty during the testimony process due to hearing loss.
Stating that his father was not in a position to meet his needs, Soyal's son, Mesut Soyal drew attention that his father had not left the house for 4 years due to his illnesses. He did not have the strength to leave the house. He would only go to the hospital for check-ups. He would go to the hospital for check-ups 2 days a week. We took him to Urfa for surgery 2 months ago. They changed the battery in his heart. If someone does not help. He is not in a position to even eat on his own. After he was arrested, I visit him in the closed visit. We could not understand each other because he has hearing loss because he cannot hear. He has a stomach problem. He also vomits the food he eats. He cannot eat unless he eats light meals. We want my father to be released as soon as possible. Because he is sick and he cannot survive in prison. All the medications he uses are on record. He has difficulty even meeting his toilet needs. He cannot get up without someone's help. Even while giving his statement, they struggled for hours because he could not hear and did not know Turkish."
MA / Zeynep Durgut