Great enthusiasm at the Green Left Party congress: For Freedom

  • actual
  • 10:44 15 October 2023
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ANKARA - Thousands of people came together for the grand congress of the Green Left Party with the motto "For Freedom".

Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) is holding its 4th Grand Congress at Atatürk Sports Hall in Ankara. Thousands of people from all over Turkey and Kurdistan attended the congress, which was held with the slogan "For Freedom / Ji bo Azadiyê". Thousands of people stayed outside the hall because there was not enough space in the hall. Thousands of people follow the congress from the giant screen set up in front of the hall. As the crowd continues to flow in front of the hall, the slogan "Bijî berxwedana Rojava" is frequently raised. While the enthusiasm in front of the congress hall continues with halay dances, a similar enthusiasm began inside the hall as well.
Party members decorated the hall with Green Left Party flags and banners with the congress slogan. Banners with the slogans "Democratic solution to the Kurdish issue", "No isolation, peace now", "Democratic Constitution" and "Change the system, not the climate" were hung in the congress hall.
Delegates took their places in the hall in a short time. Approximately 800 delegates will vote in the elections to be held at noon. Party Assembly (PM) member lists and Co-Chairpeople will be elected. PM will consist of 125 people, 80 full, 35 substitutes, and 10 honorary. At the congress, members of the Central Disciplinary Board and the Conciliation Board will also be determined.
The main agenda of the congress will be the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, and the new constitution.
Many political party representatives also attended the congress. Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chairperson Berdan Öztürk, Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-Speakers Esengül Demir and Cengiz Çiçek, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chairs Saliha Aydeniz and Keskin Bayındır, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Sultan Özcan and Cahit Kırkızak, Revolutionary Party Chairperson Elif Torun, Socialist Reestablishment Party (SYKP) Co-Speakers Canan Yüce and Cavit Uğur, Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), former MP of the Turkish Workers' Party (TİP) Barış Atay, Social Freedom Party (TÖP) Term Spokesperson Juliana Gözen, Labor Movement Party (EHP) Chairperson Hakan Öztürk, Labor Party (EMEP) Chairperson Selma Gürkan were some of these names. İlknur Beşer on behalf of the SOL Party, Deputy Chairperson of the Republican People's Party (CHP) Devrim Barış Çelik and Deva Party officials also attended the congress.