Seriously ill prisoner Tanboğa's health gets worse day by day

  • actual
  • 11:49 28 September 2023
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ŞIRNEX - Mother Kumriye Tanboğa, who said that her seriously ill prisoner son İsmail Tanboğa has dropped to 30 kilos, made a call: "Hear his voice before it's too late."
İsmail Tanboğa, who is on the seriously ill prisoners list of the Human Rights Association (IHD), is getting worse in prison. The body of 23-year-old ill prisoner Tanboğa, held in Diyarbakır Type T Closed Prison, is wasting away due to his illnesses. Tanboğa was detained when he was only 16 years old during the curfews declared in 2015 in the Cizîr (Cizre) district of Şirnex and was arrested on the allegation of "intentional murder". Tanboğa was sentenced to four aggravated life imprisonment in his trial. Tanboğa, who has been in prison for 8 years, has advanced stomach cancer and related diseases. He is getting weaker and weaker because he cannot eat and is only fed with food. Tanboğa's needs are met by his cellmates. According to the information released by IHD and the family; Tanboğa has lost 30 kilos due to his illness. The family of Tanboğa, who was hospitalized 3 times in September, is worried about the condition of their child.
Mother Kumriye Tanboğa, who went to the hospital recently and saw her son, summarized her son's condition as "skin and bones." Stating that her son's health condition is not good, mother Tanboğa said: "They hospitalized him for three weeks this month. There is no progress in his treatment. My son is fed with formula. He has been meeting his nutritional needs this way for 3-4 years. My son was just a child when he was arrested. My son's condition is getting worse day by day. I want him to be released. We want justice. Doesn't this state have a conscience? My son weighed 60 kilograms, but now he weighs 30 kilograms. Is this justice? Let them release my son, I will take care of him and treat him."
Stating that every day is critical for her son, mother Tanboğa said: "The prison administration called me a week ago and said, 'We took your son to the hospital, let me know.' After receiving this news, I immediately went to Amed. My son is held in a three-person ward. He meets his needs with the help of his friends. If he was not with his friends he would be dead by now. They hospitalized my son three times this month. The first time he went, he was hospitalized for 2 days, the second time he was hospitalized for a week, and the third time he was hospitalized for 2 weeks. My eyes and ears are on the phone every day; I'm waiting for the news and phone call from my son. I haven't heard from him for two days. I feel like I'm not alive during these two days."
Mother Tanboğa continued as follows: "Human rights organizations should ask about my son's condition as soon as possible and focus on it. Hear his voice before it is too late. They have not been able to diagnose my son's illness for how many years. They always tell us 'he is fine'. If he is fine, Then why is my son getting worse day by day?
MA / Zeynep Durgut