63-year-old Samur talked about the strip search she was subjected to

  • actual
  • 11:14 26 September 2023
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RIHA - 63-year-old Adle Samur, who was released after being detained for 7 months in Riha, talked about the strip search and violence he was subjected to.
7 people were detained after the clash between soldiers and Sıtkı Kurtoğlu, who is said to be a PKK member, in Karacurun hamlet of Mishecerk (Gönen) District of Riha's Pirsûs district on February 24. Mehmet Samur and his wife Adle Samur were subjected to ill-treatment during the detention operation carried out on March 2. 63-year-old Adle Samur, who was strip-searched both at the Urfa Provincial Police Department TEM Branch and at the Urfa No. 2 Type T Prison where she was taken after her arrest, was released at the first hearing at the Urfa 5th High Criminal Court on September 23. Samur talked about the ill-treatment she was subjected to after her detention and arrest.
Stating that their house was raided at 05:00 on March 2 by hundreds of soldiers with masks on their faces, Samur said: “They entered the house with long-barreled weapons and laid us on the ground. They didn't let me drink a glass of water. They hit the glass in my hand and spilled the water. The torture started after I was taken to a room in the house. They put me in a room of the house and threw me on the floor on my back. After throwing me to the ground, they started hitting me all over my body with iron skewers. I have platinum in my foot, they also hit my platinum foot. The shooters were saying 'we will kill you'. So I said to them, 'Kill me'. They put me on a bastinado and beat me until the bottom of my foot was swollen. They tied my eyes and mouth with a cloth. They started stepping on me with their boots. After the torture, they took me outside even though it was cold. The village headman also saw the torture but did not say anything. Torture continued outside. They also tortured my husband Mehmet Samur. He had a deep scar on his forehead. His eyes were bruised. I tried to talk and they didn't let me. They took my husband and put him in a car. They held a gun to my daughter's head, they were asking for some information and said, 'If you don't tell me, we will kill you.' “My daughter had no knowledge of anything they said.”
Stating that she was then taken to Urfa TEM Branch in an armored vehicle and that she was asked to identify photographs of people she did not know, Samur said: "I was threatened with torture by the police officers at TEM. When I said that I did not know them, they told me 'you are lying'. They threatened to take me to a place they called 'downstairs' and torture me there. One of my daughters joined the PKK. They said, "Let's give you money, go and bring your daughter." Because our lawyers came, they took me upstairs. Thus the torture ended. I felt pain every time I stepped on my foot for a week."
Stating that she was subjected to strip search torture when she first entered the prison, Samur said: “After taking off my clothes, they told me to sit down and stand up. After sitting down and standing up a few times, they gave me back my clothes. We were arrested after 4 days of detention. At the entrance of the prison, they once again took off all my clothes. They took me to a room and I stayed there naked for an hour. After that, they gave me my clothes and I wore them. They tried to take me to a neutral ward, but I refused. I was very angry at what was done to me for no reason, and I said in anger, "I am a terrorist, take me to the terrorists." As a result of my insistence, they took me to the ward where political prisoners were kept. They took me to the infirmary in prison and only gave me painkillers. Then they took me to the hospital and I explained what I got through, but the doctor did not give me a report. In the prison, the guards were always trying to act as a provocateur. They constantly wanted to provoke us with their words."
Stating that one of her daughters and two sons joined the PKK on different dates that is why they were targeted, Samur said: “In 2018, our house was raided again during the condolence of my son Baran, and my husband and many people were detained. We held a condolence ceremony in front of our house, but they did not allow it. They shot at our house, then collected the bullet casings. My house was raided 3 times in one year and everything was destroyed. I am complaining about those who made us experience this. I complain about those who held me in prison for 7 months without evidence or questioning. They should leave us alone now."
Fadıl Samur (48), who moved from Adana to Mishecerk after his parents were arrested and started looking after his parents' fields and animals, stated that their house was raided by soldiers at 02:00, 2 days before the hearing where his parents were tried. Samur said: “They raided our house, saying, 'There is a complaint against you.' However, since the hearing was approaching, I know that they raided the house to create evidence. They told us, 'People around you who were disturbed by your loud voice complained.' However, our house is quite far from the village and we have no neighbors around our house. Even if we shout, there is no one to whom we can reach our voices. Moreover, my children were asleep that day, and my wife and I were about to sleep. They tell me, 'We took your parents, stay calm, otherwise we will take you too.' I said take it if I was guilty of something, but I asked what I did? They did not answer. They are trying to scare us and wear us out psychologically with this kind of pressure. They are forcing us to migrate, but we will not migrate. There is no evidence, but my mother was held in prison for 7 months and my father is still arrested. I want my father to be released as soon as possible."
MA / Emrullah Acar