People cannot make ends meet due to the economic crisis

  • actual
  • 12:13 20 September 2023
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ŞIRNEX - Women who sell the vegetables, fruits and herbs they collect from their gardens said that their one-day earnings are enough for dinner.
Trying to survive in the face of the economic crisis that deepens day by day in the country, women take care of their families by selling the products they collect from their gardens. The women said that although they tried all alternative methods, they could not make ends meet. Women who brought the vegetables, fruits and herbs they collected from their gardens in the districts and villages of Şirnex to Cizîr district center stated that although they sold the products below market prices, there were no buyers.
Makbule Örnek (63), who sells the products she collects from her own garden in the district center, said: “Erdoğan says 'there is no crisis'. If there is no crisis, why is everything so expensive? Nobody can get along. In the past, we could buy many items from the market with 100 TL, but now you can only buy one or two kilos of tomatoes with this money. I can't buy red meat for my home anymore."
Gift Uğur (65), who said that he takes care of his family by selling the fruits and vegetables he collects from his garden in Bafê village of Hezex (İdil) district, said: “I come here every morning at 06.00. I sell yoghurt, eggplant and tomatoes. I am very tired but I cannot get the reward for my labor. I sell yoghurt for 80 TL. But still no buyers. The state does not think about the people, it only thinks about its own interests. The state spends all the budget it receives from the public on bullets. It leaves the people in despair. The state spends people's money on weapons and bombs and bombards mountains and stones. It oppresses us. If this war ends, the crisis will also be resolved. We now want peace instead of war and oppression."
Ayşe Tek (55), on the other hand, noted that the place where they sell was restricted by a barrier by the trustee and that they could not easily sell their vegetables and fruits, and said: “I sell purslane, parsley and yoghurt. I bought a kilo of meat for 270 TL. A dinner where I can buy kilos of meat with the money from all the products I've sold since the morning. Now you think about the rest."