Release of seriously ill prisoner Öz postponed for the 4th time

  • actual
  • 13:56 13 September 2023
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AMED - The release of seriously ill prisoner Mehmet Hüseyin Öz was postponed for the 4th time. Lawyer Bülent Duran stated that Öz sometimes fainted 7 times a day and that his life was at risk.
While calls for the release of sick prisoners in prisons remain unanswered, prisoners with the right to parole are held in prison under arbitrary practices. Finally, ill prisoner Şakir Turan died in prison on August 30, despite the calls of his family and lawyers. One of the ill prisoners who was not released is 34-year-old Mehmet Hüseyin Öz, who is held in Antep Type H Closed Prison.
Öz, who was detained on March 17, 2018, in Beydilli District of Dîlok central Şahinbey district, was arrested on March 26 on the allegation of "being a member of a terrorist organization". Öz was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison on January 17, 2019, in the case filed against him at the Antep 10th High Criminal Court on the allegation of "being a member of a terrorist organisation". While Öz's epilepsy progressed while he was in prison, he developed kidney disease and cysts on his head. The release of Öz, an epilepsy patient who completed the release of his sentence and gained the "right to parole" in November 2022, was postponed 4 times for 3 months by the Prison Administration and Observation Board, citing his "failure to accept the law of remorse".
Through his lawyer, Öz objected to the decision of the Administration and Observation Board to postpone the release for 3 months. Antep 2nd Execution Judgeship rejected the objection, citing the board's reasons. Öz's last release, on August 25, 2023, was postponed for 3 months by the Prison Administration and Observation Board.
Stating that what was done was systematic, Duran said: “It is not only about Mehmet Hüseyin Öz, the implementation is happening everywhere recently. While other convicts are released by making legal regulations and freedom from torture and ill-treatment in all prisons, the postponement of releases, especially by the decisions of the political prisoners board, is the biggest indicator of hatred and unlawfulness."
MA / Revşan Sağlam