Law proposal from the Green Left Party: The Ezidi massacre needs to be recognised as 'genocide'

  • actual
  • 16:40 3 August 2023
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ANKARA - The Green Left Party submitted a bill to the Parliament for the recognition of the 74th Massacre against Ezidis as "genocide".
As the 9th year of the massacre by ISIS against Ezidis, known as the 74th Massacre, has passed, a bill has been submitted to the Parliament for the recognition of the Massacre as "genocide". In the bill submitted by the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Wan MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit, the Parliament demanded that the inhumane situation perpetrated by ISIS be recognized as "genocide".
Likewise, in the bill, which states that the attacks, which are considered as “crimes against humanity”, were accepted as “Êzidî genocide” by the UK, the following justifications were given: The political power did not take any steps regarding the massacres. On the contrary, a foreign policy was adopted that raised the security concerns of the Ezidis, and the aggressive attitude was not abandoned despite all the calls. As a result, the Ezidis living in the four parts of the Kurdish geography, mainly in the Shengal and Sheikhan towns of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and the villages of Mosul, as well as in Georgia and Armenia, want to live freely with their culture and beliefs. Especially in the 9th year of the genocide, the governments of the Republic of Turkey need to change their ongoing policies towards the Ezidi Kurds, who are ethnically related to millions of their citizens. In this sense, it would be meaningful for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), where the will of the peoples are represented, to take the initiative and step in to bring the peoples closer together because the aforementioned massacres are recognized as the 'Êzidî Genocide' by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, which will lead to the development of tolerance between peoples and beliefs. This is also an important challenge facing politicians as a humanitarian and conscientious duty.”