'Massacres could not stop the struggle of women'

ANKARA - Stating that women's freedom struggle cannot be stopped with massacres, Politician Nursel Aydoğan said: "The place of the murdered women was filled by their successors and the struggle has continued throughout history."
Qamişlo Canton Council Co-Chairperson Yusra Derwêş and her deputy Leyman Şiweş were killed as a result of the SİHA(drone) attack on a civilian vehicle on the Qamişlo-Tirbespiyê road on June 20, while the deputy foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and Iran were meeting in Astana.
The leading women in Turkey's previous attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria are Hevrîn Xelef, Yadê Eqîde, Zehra Berkel, Hebûn Mele Xelîl, Emine Weysî, Seda El-Hermas, Hind El-Xidêr, Rojîn Îso, Nujiyan Ocelan, Viyan Kobanê, Dilar Heleb, Ronahî Kobanê, Cîhan Nidal Elî-Jiyan Tolhildan were murdered.
Kurdish politician Nursel Aydoğan spoke about the targeting of female leaders in the operations carried out in Northern and Eastern Syria and the developments in the region.
Reminding that Syria wants Turkey and ISIS to leave their lands, Aydoğan said, "Turkey, on the other hand, wanted the green light to be given at the Astana meeting for the land operation it is considering to carry out against Northern and Eastern Syria, but because the guarantor countries of Syria, Russia and Iran, and the USA, which did not attend the Astana meetings but partnered with Russia on some important issues, did not approve the land operation, so Turkey operation decision was not made. If this decision had taken place, Turkey, which was considering eliminating the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, could have made a commitment to gradually leave Afrin, Serekaniyê, Girê Spi, and to convince ISIS and other forces. Therefore, the parties could not get what they wanted at the Astana meeting, but the autonomous administration was targeted to keep Turkey on the table. A decision was not taken regarding the closure of the airspace, and it was said, "You can weaken the Autonomous Regions of Northern and Eastern Syria by hitting them with UAVs and SİHAs." Because it is clear that a weakened and debilitated administration will benefit all forces."
Aydoğan said: “At the Astana meetings, neither a proposal nor a decision was made to the parties regarding the solution of the Kurdish question. For now, it seems that Turkey will carry out multi-faceted operations to stop the trial of ISIS members, remove them from the agenda and change the agenda, and will not leave the areas under its control."
Stating that Turkey shows the autonomous administration as a danger with the power it receives from Astana, Aydoğan said that Turkey targeted women pioneers with the attacks it carried out with UAVs and SİHAs.
Stating that the Kurdish people revealed the reality of free Kurds in their 40-year struggle, Aydoğan said: “Liberated Kurds unilaterally declared the freedom revolution in 2012. Especially the pioneer of the freedom revolution, the motor power was women. Self-management works were carried out with the emotional intelligence, intelligence, courage and determination of women. The struggle of women was decisive in the fight against ISIS and in nullifying the attacks against the democratic system. For this reason, attacks and orientation in Rojava and Northern and Eastern Syria mostly happened to women."
Mentioning the targeting and murder of Yusra Derwêş and her deputy Leyman Şiweş, Aydoğan drew attention to the fact that in the world's freedom struggle, the rulers are afraid of the leading women, and therefore they killed the leading women.
Aydoğan said: "Olympe de Gouges, who published the 'Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens' in 1791 against the 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen' issued by the French Assembly, was executed by guillotine on November 3, 1793, for her thoughts. Rosa Luxemburg, a revolutionary and socialist woman, was killed on January 15, 1919 in Berlin at the age of 48. Rosa Luxemburg's body was found only four months after her murder. On November 25, 1960, the Mirabal brothers, who were fighting against the fascist Trujillo Government in the Dominican Republic, were raped and killed. Leyla Kasım, a Kurdish woman, and her friend Neriman Fuad Mesti were executed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on May 12, 1974, for their struggle for the freedom of the Kurdish people. Three female revolutionaries Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez were murdered in Paris.”
Stating that the massacres of the women rulers could not stop the struggle of women who wanted freedom, Aydoğan said: “The places of the murdered women were filled by their successors and the struggles have continued throughout history. Until the system in which peoples live equally and freely is established; The struggle of the oppressed, the ignored, the denied, the others and the women who are accepted as the first colonial people of the world will continue.
MA / Yüsra Batıhan