Application of prisoner who needs kidney transplant waited

BATMAN - Although there is a suitable donor candidate for Fırat Nebioğlu, whose two kidneys failed in prison, who fell from 63 kg to 44 kg and lives on dialysis, the application for kidney transplantation is pending.
According to the Council of Europe's Annual Penal Statistics on Prison Populations (SPACE I) 2022 report, Turkey is the country with the most crowded prisons among the member states. According to the annual report of the Council of Europe on prisons, as of January 31, 2022, there are 303,945 prisoners or convicts in prisons in Turkey. İHD's 2022 Central Prisons Report confirms this situation. According to the report prepared by İHD based on the statistics of the Ministry of Justice dated December 2022; There are 336,315 prisoners and convicts in prisons. Among these people, the number of people aged 65 and over is 5 thousand 513 people.
Another important point about prisons is the rights violations that ill prisoners are exposed to. According to the findings of the İHD Central Prisons Commission, 1,517 patients, 651 of whom are seriously ill, are being held in prisons in Turkey. According to the same report, 76 prisoners lost their lives in prisons in 2022, 35 of whom died due to their illnesses.
Fırat Nebioğlu is one of the prisoners struggling to survive in prison conditions. Nebioğlu, who was arrested in Êlih(Batman) in 2015 and sentenced to 11 years and 7 months in prison on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization", went bankrupt in two healthy kidneys, and his kidney transplant request was not accepted. Nebioğlu, who is on dialysis due to kidney failure, also has serious health problems such as vision and hearing.
Nebioğlu was given a report of "Nebioğlu cannot be held in prison" from Batman Training and Research Hospital, where he was removed due to kidney failure, but the Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) to which he was transferred was given a report of "He can be held in prison" on March 14, 2022. Three applications for kidney transplantation to Nebioğlu, whose kidneys went bankrupt, were left unanswered. The 3rd Specialization Board of Forensic Medicine decided on March 14, 2022 that the prisoner can continue his treatment "in prison conditions", by simply making a summary of the old reports, without making almost any clinical evaluation. Although a suitable donor candidate was found for Nebioğlu, who was taken to the hospital for dialysis two days a week, the request for referral to the hospital was also left unanswered.
Stating that the prison administration called the family two weeks ago and asked for a re-application for kidney transplantation, Nebioğlu's uncle Emin Şahin said: "I also applied to donate one of my kidneys. However, there has been no return so far. The condition of Fırat is getting worse day by day. A kidney transplant is urgently needed. The administrator of the prison waits for the death of Fırat and it will release Fırat. In Turkey, the ill prisoners are released after they died in the prisoners.”