Journalist Bulut's call to human and legal organizations: Visit the prison

DİYARBAKIR - Arrested journalist Zeynel Bulut stated that the new director of Diyarbakır No. 2 F Type High Security Prison made "provocative" attempts and asked the Amed Bar Association, ÖHD and İHD to visit the prison.
Violations of rights against prisoners in Diyarbakır High Security Prison No. 2 are increasing. Relatives of 12 prisoners staying in the prison complained that the food was bad applied to the Lawyers' Association for Freedom (ÖHD) Amed Branch on June 20 with a request for legal support against many violations of rights such as the water was intermittent, low-calorie and less food portions, the materials taken from the canteen were confiscated by the guards during the ward searches, the imposition of a stripped search and a handcuffed examination, etc. during hospital referrals.
Journalist Zeynel Bulut, who is imprisoned in Diyarbakir No. 2 Type F High Security Prison, conveyed the violations of rights and the impositions of the new prison director in the letter she wrote on behalf of the prisoners.
Starting with Halit Serdar Biçer, who came to the prison, which has been operating for about 3 years, as the new director, Diyarbakır No. 2 F-Type High Security Prison has turned into a center of rights violations and torture, Bulut said: “By imposing arbitrary practices on convicts and prisoners, Director Biçer not only violates rights, but also deepens the problems he causes with his attitudes, behaviors and approaches, and provides the ground for provocations. If we list some of them; In the mornings, he enters the rooms with the staff of the institution in the census, mingles with the items in the room, the clothes of his friends, and acts like a complete provocateur with a style that attracts them to fight."
Stating the following regarding ill prisoners, Bulut said: “Our ill friends go to the infirmary for weeks and make a request to the institution doctor to get an examination; however, our friends are either not taken to the infirmary or even if they are removed, the drugs prescribed by the doctor are not given. When this grievance is told to the principal, it causes the ill friends to suffer even more and the diseases to reach an advanced level with the defense that 'People can't get an appointment outside for months'.
Stating that the approaches and sanctions of the new director, along with dozens of violations of rights in the prison, have turned prison life into torture, Bulut said: "Not giving water for hours during the day, eating inedible food, serving low-calorie and very little food, selling poor quality and expensive products in the canteen, and many products sold in the canteen. There are dozens of problems. In addition, new prisoners are being forced to strip search and switch to neutrals. We have complained dozens of times to the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor about the violations. But so far there has been no positive development. On the contrary, 1st manager Halit Serdar Biçer has been displaying an attitude and behavior that will pave the way for provocations that have seriously worried us lately.”
Stating that Prison Director Biçer played the role of Esat Oktay Yıldıran, who came to the agenda in Diyarbakır Prison No. 5 with torture, Bulut called on legal organizations: “The arbitrary practices of Halit Serdar Biçer, the first director of High Security Prison No. 2, amounted to torture. We share our rights violations and provocative attitudes and behaviors with the public. We call on all human rights defenders, İHD, ÖHD and especially Diyarbakır Bar Association to take action against this unlawful and torture attitude.”