Hunger striker Dağ's mother: You can't subdue our children by oppression

DİYARBAKIR - Kudret Dağ, the mother of Mazlum Dağ, who has been on an indefinite and non-rotating hunger strike against violations of rights in Hewler Prison for 35 days, said: "You cannot make our children submit under pressure."
The first-instance court sentenced Mazlum Dağ and Abdurrahman Er to death on the grounds of the attack on striker diplomat Osman Köse, Iraqi citizens Neriman Osman and Beşdar Ramazan in the Turkish Consulate General in Hewler in the Federated Kurdistan Region on July 17, 2019. Dağ and Er, who are being held in Hewler Prison provided by the Asayish KDP Peshmerga, continue their indefinite non-rotating hunger strike, which they started on May 18, against arbitrary searches, physical violence and insults, and the imposition of uniforms on them, on their 35th day.
Indicating that there are pressures in the prison and attempts are made to subdue the prisoners, mother Dağ said: “My son and his friend were tried without a lawyer. Severe punishment was given. If he had been a lawyer, he would not have received such a punishment. The lawyer went to the prison to give power of attorney and wanted to meet with them; however, the prison administration did not allow the visit."
Stating that she last went to the open meeting 12 days before the Ramadan Feast last year, and then she could not go to the meeting, Dağ said: My son does not resort to such actions on their own. Let our children be given their basic rights. End these pressures. Visit and telephone rights granted to other prisoners should also be granted to our prisoners. Let them both be given to a ward. Let's stop the uniform application. We call on everyone, especially the authorities, to be sensitive on this issue. They cannot subdue our children by coercion. Quit these implementations. We will always be there for our children.”