Sergeant who murdered Uytun will be tried for 'negligence'!

DİYARBAKIR - In the lawsuit filed regarding the death of Mehmet Uytun, who is known as the "baby who was shot in his mother's lap" in public, the objection against the decision of the accused soldier to be tried in the High Criminal Court was accepted.
The perpetrator has not been punished despite the fact that 14 years have passed since the murder of 18-month-old baby Mehmet Uytun, known to the public as "the baby who was shot in his mother's lap". The objection to the trial of expert sergeant Hakan Alkan, who was the perpetrator of 18-month-old Mehmet Uytun, who lost his life as a result of a gas canister hitting his head while his mother was breastfeeding on the balcony of his house on October 9, 2009, in the Cizîr district of Şırnak, was tried at the High Criminal Court. It was accepted and the case was decided to be heard in the Criminal Court of First Instance.
Expressing that at the end of the legal struggle they gave, the way for the trial of the accused Alkan was opened, Güven said: “During the investigation process, the evidence was not collected effectively, a procedural discovery was not made, and a precautionary decision such as arrest was not made for the suspect law enforcement officer; As a result of the indictment, the case was heard in the Criminal Court of First Instance. We have stated from the beginning that the subject of the case is the crime of willful murder. We argued that the court in charge of hearing the case by its nature should not be the Criminal Court of First Instance, but the Heavy Penal Court because the Criminal Court of First Instance could only examine it in terms of causing death by negligence; however, the evaluation of the current crime with the dimension of negligence can only be explained by the system of impunity.The impunity is a grounded system of Türkiye."