Refugee Day: Prevent the causes of refugee

NEWS CENTER - In the statements made on the World Refugee Day, it was emphasized that refugees can be eliminated by preventing war, conflict, economic and ecological crises.
In many cities, statements were made regarding World Refugee Day. The Amed Bar Association made a statement at the bar association building. Numerous lawyers joined the statement as well as the Chairperson of the Bar Association Nahit Eren. Ahmet Mullamuhammed, Chairperson of the Bar Association's Refugee Rights Commission, drew attention to the increase in the number of people displaced by the impact of conflict, violence, human rights violations and economic crises.
Emphasizing that refugees cannot benefit from fundamental rights and freedoms such as housing, education, health, free movement and the right to work, Mullamuhammed said: "The polarizing language that has dominated the country and political life in recent years has contributed to the formation of such hate speech and racist attacks, and that this discriminatory language used has to be compensated in the society. It is clear that it provides the ground for events that do not exist. We would like to remind that policies and rhetoric that undermine social peace and the culture of living together, which pave the way for all kinds of racist attacks, should be abandoned, and that all segments of society have a responsibility to prevent racist attacks.
Calling for the recognition of the fundamental rights and freedoms of refugees, Mullamuhammed listed the following demands: “The 60-day residence restriction for refugees outside the city where they are registered during the earthquake should be lifted. Refugees living in 11 provinces affected by the earthquake; It should be ensured that they can live in cities where they can rebuild their lives, benefit from rights and services, shelter, work, receive education and treatment, unconditionally and without losing their rights. In this sense, provinces, districts, and neighborhoods that are closed to residence/registration for refugees; should be opened primarily to all refugees affected by the earthquake.”
Stating that the return of refugees is presented as a promise to citizens with a populist approach in current politics, Gizem Öykü Başkaya, member of Izmir Bar Association Immigration and Asylum Commission drawing attention that this situation feeds hate speech in the society and paves the way for the commission of hate crimes.
Reminding that June 14-21 was declared as Immigration Week with the Forced Settlement Law on June 14, 1934, Veysel Moray, co-chairperson of Mesopotamia Migration Monitoring and Research Association reminded the Kurds of forced migration policies, which were the result of the evacuation of villages that started in the 1980s and the imposition of rangers.
Noting that the Kurds are still being displaced by war and capital cooperation, Moray said: "The pasture areas, which are the source of livelihood of the people living in the countryside, are burned with all their vitality in the mountains and forests. drifting. While evacuation of villages is used as a war strategy in the region, on the other hand, it is desired to isolate rural areas from people as a systematic policy by giving the lands of Black Sea, Aegean, Mediterranean and Thrace peoples to mining companies and capital.”
Stating that in addition to immigration policies towards Kurds, they were marginalized with discriminatory and targeting arguments by using refugees for political interests, Moray said:
“Forced migration and refugees are a human rights violation and a public health problem wherever they are in the world. We invite all segments of society to be sensitive to these violations created by wars, states and capital within all the issues we have mentioned. It should be known that as long as the war continues, immigration and refugees will continue. Social peace is the most necessary and basic need for all peoples, those who have been subjected to forced migration, to live safely in their own lands."