The imposition of 'speak Turkish' on prisoners

ANKARA - Prisoners speaking Kurdish among themselves in Sincan Women's Closed Prison were subjected to the imposition "Speak Turkish".
Prisoners held in the Sincan Women's Closed Prison were subjected to racism because they spoke their mother tongue Kurdish while being taken to the hospital. The prisoners, who were taken to the Sincan Campus Hospital on June 15, started to speak Kurdish among themselves in the detention room where they were held before the examination. Meanwhile, the female commander at the hospital intervened and said: “Do not speak Kurdish, speak Turkish. If you live in Turkey, you will speak Turkish”. When the prisoners reacted, "Our mother tongue is Kurdish, we speak our mother tongue", the same commander continued to block with the words "Then sit down, don't speak".
The female prisoners then filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office, the Execution Judge and the Sincan Gendarmerie Command about the racist approaches of the commander. Addressing the public and human rights organizations, the prisoners called for sensitivity.
MA / Dicle Müftüoğlu - Sincan Women's Closed Prison