Violence against journalist Aygül moved to Parliament

DİYARBAKIR - Green Left Party Amed MP Osman Cengiz Çandar brought the beating of journalist Sinan Aygül to the Parliament.
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Amed MP Osman Cengiz Çandar made a proposal to ask the Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz and Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya to answer two different questions regarding the beating of journalist Sinan Aygül by the bodyguards of Tatvan Mayor Mehmet Emin Geylani.
In the introduction part of the proposals, it was reminded that Journalist Sinan Aygül, who brought up the corruption allegations regarding the immovables in Tatvan Municipality, was attacked on June 17 by police officers and municipal officials, who were the official bodyguards of Tatvan Mayor Mehmet Emin Geylani.
In the motion, in which it was stated that the images of the attack were reflected to the public through the press, it was said: "The photographs showing the condition of Sinan Aygül, who was hospitalized after the attack, reveal the extent of the violence. The attack on Sinan Aygül also resonated in the outside world and triggered the already ongoing debate over press freedom and the safety of journalists in Turkey."
Çandar asked Yılmaz and Yerlikaya the following questions:
“*Are you aware of the rank of Turkey in the World Press Freedom Index?
*Do you have an intention and a plan to take effective steps to end the attacks against journalists and to ensure the freedom of the press?
*Will you put forward comprehensive and determined policies to combat the climate of hatred and the culture of impunity that makes journalists vulnerable to violence?
‘Would you investigate corruption?’
* What will you do to end the violence of law enforcement officers against members of the press and the cases of impunity in this regard?
*Do you intend to initiate an investigation against the Mayor of Tatvan, who is widely believed to be the instigator of the attack against Sinan Aygül?
*Are you going to initiate the necessary investigation about the fundamental corruption allegations in Tatvan Municipality?”