Test barrier to a patient with osteoporosis

DİYARBAKIR- Süleyman Ayaz, who is held in Kırşehir Type S Prison and has osteoporosis, stated that his petition for testing was rejected by the prison administration.
Süleyman Ayaz, who was arrested at the age of 18 during the curfew announced on November 28, 2015 in Amed's Sûr (Sur) district and sentenced to 31 years in prison in the case where he was tried, was referred from Diyarbakır Type D High Security Prison to Kırşehir High Security Closed Prison, following the Maraş-centered earthquakes. Imprisoned Ayaz conveyed the rights violations in Kırşehir Type S Closed Prison to his family and requested that human rights defenders and lawyers visit the prison.
Speaking with her son, mother Talezi Ayaz told about the rights violations of her son in prison. Mother Ayaz said: "My son had difficulty speaking due to his illnesses. He has intestinal problems, shortness of breath and asthma. He said that his place is very narrow, so I can't breathe anymore. My son's weight was fine before. He was now very weak, saying that they couldn't eat properly, couldn't wash. I am very afraid that his diseases will worsen, if anything happens to my son, I will destroy the world. He went to prison at the age of 18, now he looks 50 years old. I have been crying from morning to night for 8 years, there are no more tears in my eyes.”
Noting that osteoporosis is among her son's diseases, Ayaz said: "My son has osteoporosis because he was imprisoned at a young age. The doctor said that a bone test should be done. He applied for a bone test at the hospital, but the prison administration refused. My son's only request is for lawyers to deal with them and for his petitions to be sent through lawyers. Even if they visit my son and other prisoners and do nothing, our children feel good.”
Ayaz stated that she applied to the Human Rights Association regarding the violations of rights in Kırşehir S Type Closed Prison.
The prison that we tried to reach regarding rights violations did not answer the phones.