Social assistance payments cut after the election

ŞIRNAK - Payments made to people in need by the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation Presidency in Basa and Qileban districts were canceled right after the elections.
After the second round of Presidential elections held on May 28, social assistance payments to dozens of people in need in Şırnak were cut. In Basa (Güçlükonak) and Qileban (Uludere) districts, the payments made to families in need by the Social Assistance Foundation and Solidarity Foundation Presidency were cut off on the grounds of 'elimination of neediness'. The suspension of payments was made on May 29, right after the Presidential elections on May 28. Allegedly; Citizens who went to the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation to learn the reason for the cut-off of payments were informed that the cut was made in line with the instructions of the Şırnak Governor's Office.
Stating that the payments made to dozens of people were cut in line with a list of names sent to the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation, the victim citizen said: "We don't know why either. This is the list from the governorship and district governorships,' and the salaries were cut within the scope of the list of names.We thought that the reason for the cuts was the support of the Green Left Party and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the presidential and parliamentary elections."
Among those whose social benefits have been canceled in Basa district, there are also those whose pensions for old age, disability and caregivers have been cut. The old age and disability pensions and social support benefits of some HDP executives' relatives in the district were cut off, and their green cards were cancelled.
Again, while the social support of dozens of people in the center and Roboski village of Qileban (Uludere) was cut off for the same reasons, 7 people with disabilities, old age and family support were also cut off in the district center. Families from Roboski we interviewed stated that their salaries were cut because they were HDP members, and that they would object to the situation.
MA / Zeynep Durgut