Kürkçü's determination of the Free Cause Party: They will be used by the state, they will not get results


ISTANBUL - HDP Honorary President Ertuğrul Kürkçü said: "In the new period, they will be used as a focus against the patriotic movement in the hands of the state. It's a futile effort, they won't get any results."

Discussions about the Free Cause Party, which entered the Parliament from the People's Alliance lists formed by the government in the May 14 General Elections, are still ongoing. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Honorary President Ertuğrul Kürkçü, who spoke about the Free Trial Party, of which many names within Hezbollah, whose names have been mentioned with many unsolved murders and massacres from the 90s to the present. Kürkçü made evaluations about  the party's aim to enter the Parliament, what the interest of the AKP in this alliance and what it will lead to since the party is in the Parliament.
Noting that the Free Cause Party defines itself as a part of the "Shia-oriented political-Islamist" struggle, Kürkçü said: "The perception that they are pro-Iran stems from this. The religious and philosophical general perspective that governs Iran is the 'Shia' thought. The Free Cause Party could not reach a mass power due to the fact that the foundation of the Shia in Turkey is not as strong as in Iran."
Reminding that the cadres that make up HUDA PAR come from within the Hezbollah organization, which was mobilized to eliminate Kurdish patriots with the tolerance and cooperation of the soldiers in the region during the dirty war, Kürkçü said: "The "historical function of this party is to fight against Kurdish patriotism and revolutionism. These wars were fought under the auspices of the state. Your colleagues were put to an end 20-30 years ago by a bullet in their necks. These attacks were carried out on the back of the Free Cause Party members. Now they say that they are not responsible for this, but we are not competing with words, we are talking about the truth. This legacy remains there, where it stood.
Stating that the state has once again evaluated the hizbul-contra experience in other conditions and within the framework of relations, Kürkçü said: "This time, political violence may be in the center of gravity, not armed violence. The Free Cause Party was integrated into the functioning of the state's role and power and gained 'legitimacy' in the eyes of the state, Inevitably, it carried us to the dirty days of war once again."
Stating that the purpose of the Free Cause Party to make positive statements about the rights and demands of the Kurds by using a language different from the government today, Ertuğrul Kürkçü said: “It is building it by connecting it to divine forces, Islamic tendencies, tradition and conservatism. This is the most important point that Erdogan kept in mind when choosing HUDA PAR or bringing the state project that guided him into the alliance; To show the Kurds that there is another right-wing, conservative and close-to-state option and that it has state support. I can say that HUDA PAR was included in the system with the option of setting an example for making peace with the state instead of conflicting with it, and taking the path it has shown instead of opposing the state. We can say that the roles and experiences they gained through the dirty war in the past, without denying them completely today, will be used as a focus against the patriotic movement in the hands of the state, within the framework of the needs of the new era; however, it is a futile effort to convince the Kurds that there is a conservative, Islamic and statist Kurdish solution to the patriotic, democratic solution.”
Expressing that Hezbollah was an organization that collapsed into itself despite the unlimited support of the military and the "wide support of the state" in the past, Kürkçü said: "This structure today will not yield results against the patriotic Kurdish people. While these did not yield results in the weakest period of the patriotic movement, today I do not see any chance of success against a power that has been organized in 5 continents, has become a world power, has spread over all parts of Kurdistan, gained strength and has its legitimacy recognized in the international arena. But does it hurt, does it keep people busy, does it take time and opportunities and waste them? Yes, it can cause them. Kurdish people will be busy with unnecessary overtime.”
Stating that the government will try to give the message that they made the ones who shot Kurds as brothers to the Kurds by taking the Free Cause Party to the Parliament, Kürkçü said: "The presence of this party in the Parliament is of no importance to the Kurdish people, but daily life, ostentation, going to the villages with their strobe cars under the escort of security etc. They will try to be dazzled by them. If that were the case, Erdogan would be number one in Kurdistan, but it just doesn't happen."
Finally, Kürkçü said about what can be done in the next process: “The most important thing we will do is to talk and exhibit the truths about both the state and politics with HUDA PAR. If there are these favorable reasons, it is necessary to try to eliminate them and to remove these grounds. We will invite the Kurdish people to think about the meaning of HUDA PAR being an add-on to the Erdogan regime, based on open ideas, facts and in a way that brings out the historical justification.”
MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel