Court considered 'future' of police perpetrators of violence

MARDİN - While "the future of the defendants" was the reason for the postponement of the fine given to the police officers who beat two people, one of them a child, wearing local Kurdish clothes, in Nisêbîn, lawyer Lokman Emen evaluated the decision as “the result of a 100-year policy of impunity”.
In the Dicle Neighborhood of the Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) district of Mêrdîn, on 31 December 2022,  The Nusaybin 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance, which rendered its verdict in the case regarding the beating of B.K. (16) and Hüseyin G. (18), who got dress Kurdish local clothes, by the special operations police, imposed the lowest penalty limit of 18 on the defendants on the charge of "injuring with a weapon through abuse of office", fined a thousand lira. Then, the court reduced the sentence, determining the penalty as 7 thousand 500 liras for each victim, and commuting each defendant's sentence to a fine of 15 thousand liras. Although the court then decided to pay this fine in 20 installments, it was postponed for 5 years with the decision of Postponing the Announcement of the Judgment (HAGB).
Noting that the defendants should have been arrested from the beginning of the incident, however, no arrest warrant was issued, Emen said: "This decision alone cannot be evaluated subjectively. Unfortunately, it is the last example of a 100-year-old state policy. Today, the decision in the Ankara JİTEM case shows that these are a series. Enemy law applies. If the Penal Code itself was applied… There is an ambivalent structure. There is a law applied in Turkey and in the region. In the second stage, there is the law applied against the Kurds and the marginalized classes and the law applied to the other classes. There is an identity discrimination. There has been a clear policy of impunity for crimes against Kurds for 100 years. We will object to the file. We will not let him go, we will continue the legal process."
MA / Ahmet Kanbal