Makhmur People's Council: We will not surrender our will

NEWS CENTER - Filiz Budak from the Makhmur People's Council, who condemned the blockade of the Iraqi Army, said: "We will not surrender our will to the peshmerga who will wait in these towers. This is the decision of the people. We will resist."
Makhmur Camp, which Turkey frequently targets with air strikes, is under siege by the Iraqi army today. The Iraqi army wanted to build fences around the camp, which was besieged by armored vehicles, and to set up towers at some points. However, the camp residents opposed this situation and started a sit-in.
While the resistance of the camp residents continued, a meeting was held between a delegation from the camp and the Iraqi army. While there was no positive result from the talks, Filiz Budak from the Makhmur People's Council made a statement about what happened.
Stating that their right to life and their will is wanted to be ignored. Budak said:  The inhabitants of Makhmur have not surrendered their will to anyone for 30 years and will not do so in the future. The Iraqi government does not solve our problems, they do not defend us. Now they want to surround the camp with towers. The attacks against the camp continue. We have been meeting for an hour. They insist that they will put up a tower. They claim that the people want it. They say only the People's Council and a few people don't want it. And we told them: The people have the will and they are here. People won't accept it."
Budak said: “Despite all the negotiations and mutual dialogue, they persistently want to place the towers. As a people, we will not back down. We will not surrender our will to the peshmerga who will wait in these towers. The people are here. This is the people's decision. We will resist. If necessary, we will sit here day and night. We will not surrender our will. We did not surrender our will to the Turkish state, nor will we surrender it to the Iraqi state. Resistance is living. We will succeed. Rojava and Shengal succeeded, Makhmur will also succeed."
The resistance of the camp residents against the Iraqi soldiers continues.