Police violence against HDP's Orak: Gas was sprayed on her operated eye

BATMAN - The police beat HDP Provincial Administrator Yakup Orak and sprayed pepper gas on his operated eye. Police then fled the scene.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Batman Provincial Organization Director Yakup Orak was subjected to police violence. Orak said: "I was subjected to violence while returning from my condolences to a relative in Bağlar District and 3 armored vehicles cut me off and took pictures of me. Then they got off and started insulting me. They punched me in the chest, they sprayed pepper spray on my operated eye, they hit me on my back and chest. Then I fell to the ground. They ran away from here together with my fall."
Stating that he was taken to Batman Training and Research Hospital, Orak said: "The people there informed the ambulance. I am in the hospital right now, I will get a report of the assault and complain about the police."