Ceritli MP candidate: Only the Green Left can represent women

ADIYAMAN - Green Left Party Semsûr(Adıyaman) MP candidate Meryem Ceritli, who got through all the difficulties of being a woman, called for "Women should vote for the Green Left Party so that their voices will be stronger in the Parliament".
The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), which entered the elections with 43.5 percent female candidates with the principle of equal representation, aims to bring this rate to the Parliament. Semsur's Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Bêhiştî (Besni) District Co-chair Meryem Ceritli, who lost her parents at a young age and later divorced the man she married and raised her son by working alone, became a parliamentary candidate from the Green Left Party list. Ceritli said that she is a candidate to be a voice against the difficulties experienced by women.
Ceritli, who was born in 1984 in Dikêvnî village of Semsûr's Bêhiştî district, as the youngest child of a family with 8 children, continues her election work as a parliamentary candidate in the land where she was born. Ceritli, who we talked to at her house in Bêhişti, said that she lost her mother when she was 18 and lost her father 4 months later, and that she had to endure many hardships at a young age.
Emphasizing that she grew up in a family that was oppressive against women, but this situation changed when her family met with the Kurdish political movement, Ceritli explained that this is how her interest in the Kurdish movement began. Ceritli continued her words as follows: “However, I could not work actively within the party because I had to provide for a house. In particular, the story of a guerrilla I read in Özgür Halk magazine impressed me a lot. The story of that guerrilla was a bit like the story of our family. The guerrilla's father was constantly abusing his wife and children at home, but he changed after meeting the party. This story connected me more to the party because I saw equality between women and men, women expressing themselves best at the party.”
Stating that she took office in the party as her son grew up, Ceritli said: "I became a member of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in 2022 and then took office as the Bêhiştî District Co-chair. I was a candidate to carry the voice of working women to the Parliament upon the proposal of the Green Left Party. The problems and troubles I experienced as a woman, the social pressures on women and the party's view of women impressed me a lot. Now that my son is all grown up, I thought it was time for me to take part in the party. Finally, I received an offer from the party to be the right parliamentary candidate, and I accepted. Later, I explained the situation to my family, and my family supported me."
Stating that they carried out election activities in many districts and villages of Semsûr within the scope of election activities and that they were met with great interest from the public, Ceritli said: “Especially female voters were very happy that a woman was a candidate from Semsûr. If I enter the Parliament, I will be the voice of all women, especially working women who have stood alone. The people of Semsur, especially women, should vote for the Green Left Party to make their voices stronger in the Parliament, because the party that will best represent women is the Green Left Party.
MA / Mahmut Altıntaş