Cengiz Çandar: Isolation against Öcalan is a threat and insult to the Kurds

DİYARBAKIR - Green Left Party MP candidate Cengiz Çandar, who met with the members of Diyarbakır City Protection and Solidarity Platform, said. "No news has been heard from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for 2 years. This is a pressure, threat and insult against the Kurds."
The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Amed(Diyarbakır) parliamentary candidates came together with the members of Diyarbakır City Protection and Solidarity Platform, which includes more than 80 civil society, labor and professional organizations, at a breakfast meeting held in a hotel.
Speaking at the meeting, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Amed Provincial Co-chair Gülistan Atasoy said: "The solidarity was stronger after the Maraş-centered earthquakes on February 6. Local democracy and pluralism must continue. We will continue to fight for it. The isolation that started in Imrali should be lifted and the women's libertarian paradigm should spread to Turkey."
Stating that they have become the guarantee of local democracy with the Labor and Freedom Alliance, Green Left Party Amed MP candidate Halide Türkoğlu said: “The democratic republic is not independent of local democracy. A democratic republic must be established. We had discussions about the management of cities. We cannot manage our cities because of the trustee regime. We will come to a point based on local democracy and local governments. The solution to these problems also passes through Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in isolation in İmralı. Another problem is to solve the Kurdish problem again. On May 14, we will send the government by removing the most MPs and start a new process. We believe in this, we will bring freedom and justice."
Noting that the lack of democracy in the country means the slaughter of Kurds, Çandar said: "The isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Abdullah Öcalan has not been heard from for 2 years. If Öcalan had not been the personality of Kurdish politics, would there have been such an isolation? This is a pressure, threat and insult against the Kurds. As in the example of Ayla Akat Ata, Selahattin Demirtaş and Gültan Kışanak, countless names are behind bars. The regime is trying to ignore the people of Amed and the will of the Kurds. Our task will be to ignore them."